In our previous video we discussed how God-realized saints do sometimes on an individual basis, perform certain acts like the curing of diseases, the elongation of a person’s life span, the bestowing of Shaktipath, the awakening of the Kundalini etc. which are commonly termed by people as miracles.
However as mentioned in that video, such miracles are not performed by God-realized gurus unconditionally and freely for one and all. Instead a responsible guru first evaluates the “Patrata” that is the deservingness and the capacity to receive such an act of Grace, of the disciple, and only then does the guru go ahead and grant Divine Boons.
But why is Patrata of the disciple such a critical and paramount condition? Why can’t Divine Boons and the Divine Grace (of saints and God), be bestowed without Patrata? In this video we dive into the rational reasons why this is so.
Books Referenced In This Video
The above video references the following books.
- Hindi Lectures of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya – Pujyavar ki Amritvani (Vangmay # 68)
- May I Answer That by Swami Sivananda
- Kingly Science, Kingly Secret by Swami Sivananda
- Words of Mother – II – Volume 14 by Mother Mirra, Sri Aurobindo Ashram