Today is the anniversary of the Pulwama attack. A year ago I had made a video regarding these attacks. Am sharing it again today as its message is just as relevant and worth listening to.
Post the Pulwama terror attack in Kashmir many Hindus in India have given way to hate and have called for the boycott of Kashmiris as well as the deportation of all Muslims to Pakistan. However few people realize that in giving way to such calls of hate they are directly strengthening the Pakistani army and the ISI in their stated agenda of breaking up India.
Therefore a key solution to the Kashmir problem, as well as to the problem of jihadi militancy (supported by the Pakistani army), lies in the fostering of Hindu-Muslim unity within India. A strengthening of Hindu-Muslim unity will have the effect of depriving the Pakistani army of its “India is for Hindus only” rhetoric which it uses to whip up hatred in Pakistan.
Hindu-Muslim unity in fact will also deprive Pakistan of the very rationale on which it was formed, which was to partition out of India, a separate country for Muslims, where Muslims could prosper. The argument floated by Pakistan’s founders was that Muslims being a minority in India, could never expect to enjoy full rights in India and therefore needed a separate nation.
Today given the enormous instability within Pakistan and the deadly fights between Pakistan’s various Islamic sects, it is quite easy to see how fallacious the argument for partition really was. Today many Muslims sects in Pakistan including Sufis, Shias, Ahmadis are being violently killed. The hate Pakistan had previously directed towards Hindus in India has now turned back and is steadily consuming the host.
Hate thus never wins. Only love and empathy does. For this reason Hindu-Muslim unity is the topmost way to bring peace to Kashmir, as well as to counter the Pakistani army’s agenda of breaking-up India. Hindu-Muslim unity is also the call of our Rishis such as Swami Vivekananda, who called for India to have a “Vedanta brain and Islam body”.
Sri Aurobindo and Mother Mirra who were both Avatars also called for Hindus and Muslims to unite and warned that the longer the partition of India (into India and Pakistan) persists, the greater will be the chances of civil war within India, or worse still, the invasion and capture of the entire South Asia, including India by some foreign power such as China, Russia, USA etc.
In fact Sri Aurobindo proposed that the only way to prevent the whole of South Asia from falling back into the slavery of foreign rule, was for India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh etc. to unite under a common political, economic and military umbrella (Akhand Bharat) something akin to the European Union.
Then alone can the independence, prosperity, religious and cultural diversity of the region be safe-guarded. And then alone can the stage be set for the transmission of Vedantic thought to the whole world, and for India to emerge as Jagat Guru (World’s Guru).
Links To Video’s Cited In This Video
- Can Lord Ayyappa’s Brahmacharya Shake if Women Enter Sabarimala Temple?
- Are There Temples in India Which Ban Men? Fake News About 4 Temples Exposed
- Is Sabarimala an Occult Temple With Energies that Harm Women? Myth Debunked!
- Vedanta Does Not Support Absolute Ahimsa (100% Non-Violence) | Maharishi Ramana & Tiger Skins
Links To Recommended Articles And Books
- Sri Aurobindo’s 15th August Message – On eve of Partition of India
- FREE BOOK: A Vision of a United India – by Kittu Reddy, direct disciple of Sri Aurobindo and Mother
- The Partition of India and Its Consequences by Kittu Reddy
- The Spy Chronicles by Asad Durrani and AS Dulat
- Psychology of Pakistan – Tilak Devasher on “Understanding Pakistan”
- An Interview with Christine Fair on Pakistan and its Army
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- India needs an action plan after US troops leave Afghanistan
“The idea of two nationalities in India (that all the Mohammedans in India are descendants of foreigners) is only a new-fangled notion invented by Jinnah for his purposes and contrary to the facts. More than 90% of the Indian Mussulmans are descendants of converted Hindus and belong as much to the Indian nation as the Hindus themselves.”
– Sri Aurobindo