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Woman Sannyasin Who Courageously Meditated at the Time of Death

The following story has been narrated by Swami Atulananda of the Ramakrishna Mission. It appeared in his essay: Reflections on the Bhagavad Gita published in the Prabuddha Bharata in November 2003.

Whatever object one remembers while leaving the body, that alone is reached by him.
– Lord Krishna to Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita
(Shloka 8.6)

In India I once visited a hospital where sannyasins (monks who have renounced the world) alone were received as indoor patients. There had been a woman there who had adopted the sannyasin garb. During her travels on foot, she was taken ill and was brought to the hospital for treatment.

The fever ran very high and the patient became delirious, so much so that she had to be held down to her cot with straps. But shortly the medicine took effect and the Sannyasini not only calmed down, but also seemed to be on the road to speedy recovery.

It was noticed that she was very pious and well read in the Shastras (scriptures). It was thought that soon she would be able to leave the hospital and resume her wandering life. But one morning she was found to be suffering from a relapse.

She was however very quiet and peaceful in mind. She told the swami in charge that she would not recover her health. And she begged of him that a little water be brought to her, fresh from the Ganges. The holy river was not far distant and the water was brought to her.

Then she rose from her cot, spread a blanket on the floor, sprinkled over it the holy water and seating herself on the blanket began to recite with a strong voice the entire Gita. When she had finished reading the Gita she sat down for meditation and with her mind thus concentrated on God she departed from this world.


In this way the lady ensured that even in her last moments her mind was not running here and there, terrified or worried, but was steadily and one-pointedly fixed on God. For as we saw in the previous article, the last thoughts of a person determine the condition of their soul after death. It was for this reason that Sri Krishna in the midst of the battle-field told to Arjuna: “At all times, think of Me and fight. With mind and intellect absorbed in Me, you will doubtless come to Me (after death).”

The Prabuddha Bharata is a wonderful magazine containing many such inspiring teachings. If you want to read its issues online for free then do click here.

Bhagavad Gita - A Dying Person’s Last Thoughts Determine the Condition of his Soul After Death – Woman Sannyasin Who Courageously Meditated at the Time of Death A Dying Person’s Last Thoughts Determine the Condition of his Soul After Death – This famous teaching of the Bhagavad Gita, explained through the tale of King Bharat & his favorite deer.

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