Once Subbalakshmi Ammal, a long-standing devotee and a cook at the Ashram was indiscriminately plucking flowers from a bush. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi asked, “What are you doing, Lakshmi?” She replied, “I am plucking flowers for puja.”
Pointing to the towel, which she had spread on the ground to collect flowers, Bhagavan said, “You already have so many flowers. Why pluck more?”
The lady artlessly replied, “There are so many flowers on this bush. I thought it would be better to gather them, rather than let them go waste.”
Bhagavan retorted, “You have already seen and enjoyed the sight of the bush laden with beautiful flowers. Now you do not care whether anybody else gets a chance to enjoy the same heart-warming sight. Or may be you have some exclusive right over this bush. Did you plant it and nurture it yourself, thus making it your personal property?”
Subbalakshmi Ammal told us that after the incident, she was reminded of Bhagavan’s words everytime she saw a flowering bush!
As noted in the book: Face to Face with Sri Ramana Maharshi (Incident #116)
Many of us who live in India, have the habit of plucking flowers from public gardens or from the roadside to place before God. However as the above message of Sri Ramana Maharshi explains, indiscriminate plucking of flowers should be avoided. One or two flowers as a symbol of our devotion are sufficient to lay at the feet of God. The rest should be left to bloom on the bushes, as not only do flowers bring happiness and peace to people, but more importantly they also provide food for bees, insects and humming birds.
When we out of our own greed and selfishness, pluck numerous flowers from the garden, in the mistaken belief that God will be pleased with our devotion, what we are in reality doing is incurring the bad karma of depriving all these creatures of their food. Another worse thing we are doing is reinforcing the Samskaras (habits) of selfishness and greed to take firm root in our mind – 2 habits which lead us far away from God. Worshiping God with flowers plucked in this way will therefore not yield any spiritual benefits.
“God does not need to be flattered with worship and offerings (of flowers, sweets, incense, money etc.). Chanting of God’s name is meaningful only when one is engaged in beautifying and developing His Garden, this Universe (via Karma Yoga – selfless actions done for the well-being and benefit of others).”
– Shriram Sharma Acharya
Don’t Pluck Flowers, for Plants Worship God with their Blossoms – God is seated not just in the temple, but he is present even in the heart of trees who worship the Cosmic Divine Consciousness with their beautiful flowers.