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Sushant Singh Rajput Suicide – “I Too Am Feeling Depressed Didi”

A young and talented Bollywood actor Sushant Singh Rajput committed suicide yesterday. He was only 34 years old. His death has sent the whole nation into shock, and some of you have written to me about feeling very sad and depressed by this news. The steady stream of negative news, one after the other, ever since the corona virus crisis started, has only made matters worse and several people are feeling down and depressed.

Such feelings although understandable are nevertheless very harmful, and often it is seen that when a prominent person commits suicide, others also take this step. Therefore it is very important to pull oneself back and to nip this depression in the bud.

For this you MUST reject these thoughts of sadness and despair immediately from your mind. Have NOTHING to do with them. They lead to no good.

When these thoughts come just say – I reject them, I will have nothing to do with these foolish thoughts. Do this repeatedly, again and again, whenever these negative thoughts cross your mind.

Instead, focus on the below image of the Divine Mother Durga and ardently pray to Her to send you peace, courage, bravery and protection. Imagine her Force coming into you and the lotus of courage blooming within you. Imagine yourself sitting like a child in Her lap, on top of the lion and feeling totally protected.

Ma Durga

All suggestions of despair and sadness come from the lower vital world. They are the handy work of low beings. So REJECT these ideas firmly. (I will elaborate on this more in later videos/ posts).

Pray to Ma Durga and tell Her repeatedly:

Mother, please send down your courage and kill this hostile thought of sadness that is bothering me. Kill it just as you killed the demon Mahishasura. Please protect me and make me fearless, brave, bold and courageous like yourself.

Understand that being sad will not lead to any good results. It will only draw down your energy. It will lead you into a loop of despair. REFUSE immediately to go down that rabbit hole.

Instead resolve to do the opposite. Resolve to live life bravely and courageously like Guru Gobind Singhji did, like Mirra Bai did, like Shivaji did, like Rani Laxmi Bai did, like Joan of Arc did, like Swami Vivekananda did. Then we can live a purposeful existence and do good to the world. We must make ourselves competent, brave and strong to pull others out of despair. We must not fall into that hole ourselves.

Let us all pray not only for Sushant’s troubled soul – that Ma Durga gives him peace and rest in the afterlife. But let us also pray for his grief stricken father and sisters. May the Divine Mother give them courage to withstand this huge loss. May She shelter and protect them not just in this very difficult hour, but always and always.

Om Shanti.

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Apart from uplifting people morally and spiritually, these Rishi teachings also provide crucial support to those dealing with loss of loved ones, anxiety, worry, suicidal thoughts etc.