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Free Spiritual Books by Swami Sivananda – Meditation, Kundalini Awakening & Samadhi

Very happy to inform that Nikita & I have just finished compiling the full collection of spiritual books written by Swami Sivananda, the God-realized sage who founded the Divine Life Society.

Swami Sivananda’s books are an invaluable aid for any sadhak who wishes to understand 1) the basics of spirituality 2) how to meditate correctly, and 3) what practical steps must we take in order to overcome our ego and ascend to the state of Samadhi or God-realization.


“Spiritual books show the path of light. They guide you along the way of righteousness and Dharma. They lead you to happiness, peace, true prosperity and success. They are a treasure-house of invaluable teachings that bring about supreme blessedness and joy in your life. They contain words of power that lift you to noble heights and transform your lives.

They inspire you to help you to overcome weakness and evil, and fill your life with virtue and goodness. They make you an ideal person full of goodness, purity, truth, faith, devotion and Paropakara. They contain spiritual force and Divine power. They are God’s boon to humanity. They are the greatest need of today when the world is suffering due to its going down the wrong path and neglect of faith, devotion and worship.”
– Swami Sivananda

This non-profit work is made possible only due to generous donations from Spiritual Bee'ers such as yourself. Your donations cover our operating costs and help us offer the Sanatan Dharma teachings of our great Rishis for free.

Apart from uplifting people morally and spiritually, these Rishi teachings also provide crucial support to those dealing with loss of loved ones, anxiety, worry, suicidal thoughts etc.