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Want to Participate in Mantra Jap? Do You Need Prayers For Your Loved Ones?

A couple of spiritual organizations are conduction daily/weekly mantra jap. Mantra Jap is extremely beneficial in these difficult times, when many are suffering from corona and its after effects. Mantra Jap boosts prana shakti and results in stronger will power and a healthier mind and body too. Additionally prayer requests too can be sent for those who are sick.

Daily Mahamrityunjay Mantra Jap 8pm India Time

Organized by the Gayatri Pariwar.
Time: Everyday at 8pm, India Time
Duration of Jap: 1 hour
Join via Zoom or Youtube Live

Once a Week Mantra Jap (Every Sunday)

Organized by Ramakrishna Mission.
For details on how to participate, send a WhatsApp message to: +91 9820844877


If anyone in your family is suffering and is in need of prayers, please fill in the information using the following forms:

Gayatri Pariwar Prayer Form
Yogoda Satsang Society (Paramahansa Yogananda) Prayer Form

This non-profit work is made possible only due to generous donations from Spiritual Bee'ers such as yourself. Your donations cover our operating costs and help us offer the Sanatan Dharma teachings of our great Rishis for free.

Apart from uplifting people morally and spiritually, these Rishi teachings also provide crucial support to those dealing with loss of loved ones, anxiety, worry, suicidal thoughts etc.