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Fundraising – Cat Lovers Your Help is Needed! Please Assist this Stray Cat

Need to Raise Rs. 35,000 (~400 USD)

As many of you know, I care for stray cats that live in my building’s vicinity. The life of these cats is extremely tough and for the last 2 months, one cat (Caramel) in particular has been battling a severe gum and tooth infection, due to which she has been unable to eat food.

Every bite would cause such excruciating pain that Caramel was literally starving to death. She is an extremely intelligent, spiritually advanced cat, who is also very pretty. Here is she prior to catching this infection.

Her Suffering Sadly Prolonged, as the 1st Vet was Unable to Diagnose

When Caramel first stopped eating food, I immediately rushed her to a nearby vet. Blood counts revealed that her WBC were abnormally high (~54,000), Creatinine & BUN (blood urea nitrogen) elevated. She was fighting an unknown infection which had impacted her kidneys. The doctor started a line of treatment, however it failed to help her, as the vet was not able to identify the source of her infection.

The tragedy with animals is that they cannot speak and hence unable to tell us of their pain areas. They suffer silently.

Her health deteriorated, hemoglobin dropped to 4 and Caramel became skinner and skinner, unable to eat any food. After further blood tests failed to identify the source of her infection, a young lady, who assists me in this volunteer stray-cat work, rushed Caramel to another vet. There she was diagnosed with severe gum disease as a result of which many of her molars had rotted.

It was because of this severe tooth and gum infection that she was not eating food and was literally starving to death before our eyes.

2nd Vet Orders Surgery to Remove All Molars

So Caramel’s treatment started all over again at the 2nd vet. She was prescribed antibiotics, painkillers and daily flushings to help her kidneys. The doctors told us that they could not perform the surgery to remove most of her teeth, until her hemoglobin stabilized to an operatable level.

It took Caramel about 40 visits to the 2nd vet to stabilize for surgery. Last week all her molars (upper and lower jaw) were finally removed.

By the Grace of the Divine Mother her front canines were uninfected and so the surgeon left them untouched. These front canines will help her deal with the occasional itches and also look fierce and scare off her cat-frenenemies!

Need to Raise Rs. 35,000

The total expense that has been incurred at the 2nd Vet clinic, has amounted to Rs.65,000. This includes the cost of blood tests, 40 days of stabilization treatment, and surgery. Medical treatment, for animals is quite expensive, especially when surgery is involved and when kidneys are affected.

The Spiritual Bee Foundation has already received Rs. 30,000 from a wonderful Spiritual Bee’er towards Caramel’s treatment. He has also donated cat food for her. So the balance amount that needs to be raised now is Rs.35,000.

Caramel is recovering well. Having starved for so long she has turned into a little food monster, hungrily swallowing the mashed food we give her. She will have to be on this mashed food lifelong as she can no longer eat dry cat food or hunt mice.

So if you wish to assist Caramel then please make a donation to the Spiritual Bee Foundation.

Indian Nationals

1. UPI

2. Credit Cards / Net Banking

Foreign Nationals

While you cannot donate to the Spiritual Bee Foundation, you can consider supporting me on Patreon, as all the money I currently earn from Patreon goes towards helping stray cats.

Many thanks for your help,
Your didi

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