The Unimaginable Way in Which Sarada Ma Loves Us

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Sri Sarada Devi

Human beings are so narrow hearted that they can love only their progeny as their own. God-realized souls on the contrary are immense-hearted. They love the whole world as their own. Sarada Ma exemplified this truth.

She loved the disciples of Sri Ramakrishna, as her own children. Her love for them and by extension, even for us today; was and still is, utterly unbounded. The following incident demonstrates this:

Once, on Sarada Ma’s birthday at Jayrambati, the devotees wished that Mother should eat first and her sons would partake of her prasad afterwards. The enthusiasm of one of her sons surpassed that of the others.

He took the initiative in conveying their request to Mother and this time Mother did not object, agreeing silently. After the food had been offered to the Master Sri Ramakrishna (in the shrine), it was arranged carefully on a platter which was then placed before a small piece of carpet spread out for Mother, who was then invited to take her seat.

Slowly, and mechanically, she took her seat. Taking in everything with a compassionate look, she tasted a little of this and a little of that. Then, most piteously she entreated the nearby son with the words, “It does not go down the throat until my sons have eaten; quickly arrange to have the food served to all.”

Saying this, she got up immediately, and having washed, sat down at the door of her room to watch us eat. Everything had been kept ready and at once we sat down to eat.

Mother was relieved. That fool of a son who had taken the lead in persuading Mother to eat before them that day, having derived much complacency thereby, now realized what a great blunder it had been.

He had, in effect, caused her to go without food that day. It would have been far better to have arranged for the men folk to have their meal first and to have served Mother afterwards with all the women, as was customary.

She would have been content and eaten in peace. Alas! Enamoured of splendour as we are, this manifestation of Divine Love is beyond our conception.

By placing God on a pedestal with elaborate arrangements for worship and offerings, we only satisfy our own desire for grandeur, but piercing the veils of grandeur, manifesting the essence of sweet, pure love, He has come down as our Mother so that we may drink the nectar of her love.

This faith, this realization was lacking in us.

Sarada Ma’s Concern for Her Children

Mother kept a close watch on the welfare of her children. She could not bear to see her sons cheerless, poorly clad or thin.

Therefore, fish was served daily at Udbodhan, as Bengali boys did not eat their fill without fish. Everyone would chew rolls of betel leaves after food, so she herself got them ready, offering more to those who were particularly fond of betel leaves.

The sight of her sons chewing a mouthful of betel leaves filled her with happiness. She disliked their wearing pure white dhotis. Devotees used to present her dhotis with attractive borders.

Her own needs being few, these she used to give away to her boys. She was aware of the inclination of some of them for fine things; to them she gave dhotis of fine texture, with pretty borders.

She gave coarse cloth to those who preferred them. There were some who soon wore out their dhotis; to them she gave more than she gave to the others. In all matters, whether meals or refreshments, she catered to each according to his taste, and also, as it suited his system.

Source: As narrated by Swami Saradeshananda in the book: Reminiscences of Sri Sarada Devi.

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