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- Can the departed see us?
- Can the dead know what is happening in our life, even after passing?
- Why have the rishis laid so much stress on the shradh-tarpan ceremony in Hinduism?
- Why is shradh performed? Why is this ceremony so crucial?
- Should we pay some website to do the shradh on our behalf?
- What is the best place to do shradh-tarpan and asthi visarjan?
- Manage your grief by cultivating the right spiritual understanding as detailed by the rishis of Advaita Vedanta.
Can the departed see us? Can the dead know what is happening in our life, even after dying? What is the best way to manage grief? Want to understand all this in detail with a real-life example?
What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers of Pandit Shriram Sharma Newsletter.