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Does God Actually “EAT” the Food Offered? – Significance of Prasad (VIDEO)

“There is only one religion on the surface of this earth. That one religion is the religion of love.”
– Swami Sivananda

“Does God actually eat the food offered?”

This is a most interesting question, because in every temple in India, it is customary to make a small offering of sweets or other food, as a mark of our devotion and gratefulness towards whichever God or Goddess we are worshiping.

Once the Lord has “partaken” from the offering, the remaining food is considered sacred and blessed, and is thereafter consumed by the devotees as “prasad”.

So an enquiring mind naturally asks: “Does God actually bless and eat the food offered? If such things genuinely happen, then how does God do it, because the idol in the temple itself cannot move?”

The above questions carry with them the most amazing answers, provided for us, by two God realized teachers of Vedanta Philosophy, Swami Vivekananda and Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society. Their profound responses have been outlined in detail, in the video below.

As you watch the video, do remember that although the answers revealed here, are for the Hindu manner of worship, they are nevertheless equally applicable, for the worships performed in other religions, such as the offering of prashad by Sikhs in their Gurdwaras, or the prayer of grace said before a meal in Christianity.

For more FREE BOOKS by Pandit Shriram Sharma and Swami Sivananda, please scroll down to the recommended reading box below.

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