Donate to the Spiritual Bee Foundation
The profound knowledge of Advaita Vedanta constitutes the spiritual heritage of India. By supporting the Spiritual Bee Foundation:
- You will help preserve the spiritual knowledge found in the Vedas, Upanishads, Gita & other scriptures in the minds of the current generation, who is rapidly losing touch with it, under the pressures of materialism.
- You will help bring the teachings of Advaita Vedanta out of the realm of theory and make them practical and relevant to the present times, so that people can apply these teachings and uplift themselves morally and spiritually.
- A spiritual upliftment of masses is urgently needed to tackle the epidemics of crime, corruption, suicide, depression and anxiety; as well as caste discrimination, rape and violence against women, cruelty towards animals etc.
- Finally and most importantly your donation will help foster love, tolerance, unity and communal harmony amongst people, so that the fracturing of India along caste, religion and language lines can be reversed.
- Your donations at present are utilized as follows:
- 50% : Salary
- 30% : Website Hosting, Technology, Software & Other Costs
- 15% : Acquainting people with teachings
- 4% : Trust Audit, Tax & regulatory Filings
- 1% : Stray Animal Welfare (Food & Medicines)
Your donations assist the Foundation in producing quality content by covering the operating costs of the Spiritual Bee website, YouTube Channel, Daily Quote Broadcast and social media channels.
The technological costs of running a knowledge intensive website today are quite large and so your generous donations cover these expenses.
In addition your donations also help pay the salary of the Foundation’s staff Ms. Nikita Jadav. Nikita assists me (Pulkit) in making videos, articles and quotes.
At the present time, I don’t take any salary from the Foundation, but I am considering taking a stipend in the future if sufficient funds are available (after meeting all other expenses). My own savings are running low as I manage the Spiritual Bee Foundation on a full time basis.
Donors to the Spiritual Bee Foundation cannot avail of 80G Tax benefit, as our Foundation has been classified as a religious trust under Indian tax laws. And religious trusts are not granted 80G deduction by government.