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I am a Foreign Citizen

At present Indian government regulations do not allow the Spiritual Bee Foundation, to accept donations from foreign citizens. However, you can support Pulkit on an individual level by:

  1. Making an Amazon Food Donation for the 10 stray cats she takes care of.
  2. You can also support her by subscribing to the Yogic Powers and FAQs on Spirituality Newsletters on Patreon.

At the moment the Spiritual Bee Foundation cannot accept donations made in foreign currencies (dollars, euros etc). To be able to do this the Foundation needs to apply for a clearance from the Government of India, under the Foreign Currencies Regulation Act (FCRA).

This FCRA clearance is difficult to obtain, as there are many onerous governmental conditions to be met, such as preparing and sending regular monthly reports of foreign currency donations to the Indian government, which requires significantly more manpower and staffing needs, currently beyond the financial means of our Trust.