In India’s rich spiritual tradition devotional songs (bhajans) and poetry have played a central role in helping bhaktas (devotees) attain to God-Consciousness.
The profound reason behind this has been explained by Swami Vivekananda, who was himself such an evocative singer that simply by listening to his devotional songs, his guru Sri Ramakrishna, would immerse in the deepest Samadhi (God-Consciousness).
“The greatest aid to [the] practice of keeping God in memory is, perhaps, music. The Lord says to Narada, the great teacher of Bhakti, “I do not live in heaven, nor do I live in the heart of the Yogi, but where My devotees sing My praise, there am I”.
“Music has such tremendous power over the human mind; it brings it to concentration in a moment. You will find the dull, ignorant, low, brute-like human beings, who never steady their mind for a moment at other times, when they hear attractive music, immediately become charmed and concentrated. Even the minds of animals, such as dogs, lions, cats and serpents, become charmed with music.” (Source: Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 4.)
Free MP3 Download | Evocative Mantras & Hindi Bhajans
Keeping this power of devotional songs in mind, enclosed below is a collection of beautiful Hindi bhajans and mantras such as the Gayatri Mantra – all of which can be downloaded for free. They have been presented here courtesy the talented team of musician devotees at the All World Gayatri Pariwar.
Free MP3 | Gayatri Mantra – Surya Ashtakam – Gayatri Aarti
Free Mp3 download of the Gayatri Mantra sung in various ragas, the Surya Ashtakam (also known as the Gayatri Stavan or Yanmandalam) and the melodious Gayatri Aarti.
Free MP3 | Beautiful Hindi Bhajans That Infuse the Heart With Divine Love
Free Mp3 download of beautiful Hindi bhajans with thought-provoking lyrics that inspire sadhaks to hasten the pace of self-reformation so that they can attain to Samadhi (God-realization) and experience for themselves that the Divine Mother is truly Omnipresent (present everywhere) in all of Creation.
“Any song — if one’s whole soul is in that song (as was Tulsidas’ and Meera Bai’s), one attains salvation (Moksha, Samadhi), one has nothing else to do. It leads to the same goal as meditation.”
– Swami Vivekananda, Complete Works Volume 4