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2 Miracles of Sarada Ma

The following account of 2 miracles pertaining to Sarada Ma has been given by her disciple Srishchandra Sanyal in the book Reminiscences of Sri Sarada Devi.

Sri Sarada Devi

Miracle # 1

Srishchandra Ghatak is an acquaintance of mine and a disciple of Mother. In the month of May 1910, Srishchandra and three of his friends set out for Jayrambati. One of them had received initiation already, and the other three were desirous of obtaining initiation from Holy Mother Sarada Ma.

Two of these had set their hearts on some experience of Mother’s supernatural powers prior to their initiation. One morning these two went into the village in search of lotuses with which they would worship Mother’s feet.

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Nowhere in the village could they find any lotus. Their search took them to the neighbouring village and there, at the extreme end of the village, they came upon a small pond with a number of lotuses in full bloom.

At that time kala-azar and malaria being rampant in Jayrambati, these two hesitated to enter the pond. Just then an old woman came along. She said, “Son, do you want lotuses? I shall gather them for you.” Saying this she entered the pond and gathered many lotuses which she gave to them. The two were delighted and said, “We shall pay you for these.”

As luck would have it, they had not put on those clothes in which they had their money. Hearing this, the old woman said, “It doesn’t matter son. Come to this place in the evening and give the money.” But in the evening they could not trace that old woman at the spot. Not only that, there was no sign of the pond too.

On making enquiries, they learned from the local people that there was no such old woman living there and that there had never been any pond there. To my mind, in order to satisfy the desire of those two for an experience of Mother’s miraculous powers, the Mother, skilled in accomplishing what is impossible, had brought this about.

Miracle # 2

On another occasion, in the Christmas season, Srishchandra Ghatak and 2 friends were on their way to Jayrambati from Shillong in order to meet Mother. In the course of the journey, they felt an urge for eating pitha at Mother’s place in Jayrambati. This wish they discussed only among themselves, nobody else knew of it.

After reaching Jayrambati, when they sat down for Prasad they were astonished to see that pitha was one of the items. Not only that, when pitha was served, it was first served to them. They were awe-struck, overwhelmed with joy, and tears stood in their eyes.

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