Discover Advaita Vedanta

Part 3: Why is a Guru Necessary? Third Eye Awakening – 4 Steps to Reach our Soul (VIDEO)

  1. Why is having a guru so essential on the spiritual path?
  2. At the point of death who will help us cross over into the subtle realm?
  3. Who will guide us in the after-life?
  4. What is Third Eye Awakening?
  5. How do we go inwards and connect with our soul?
  6. One guru says this, another says that…Why do teachings contradict?
  7. When the student is ready, the teacher appears. What does this saying mean?
  8. Is it important to read spiritual books? Which ones to read, and which to AVOID?

All these questions answered in this video.

Link Referenced in This Video

VIDEO: Can a Wicked Person Ever Become Good? Pavhari Baba from Whom Vivekananda Took Deeksha BUT Was Stopped by a STRANGE Vision

Other Videos in Our “Guru” Series:

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