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All Knowing Sarada Ma, Who Could Read Devotee’s Secret Thoughts

The following account of Sarada Ma’s mind reading power has been chronicled by her devotee Mukundbehari Saha in the book Reminiscences of Sri Sarada Devi.

Sri Sarada Devi

One day I heard that Holy Mother Sri Sarada Ma was residing at Baghbazar. With a friend I went to Mother’s house at Baghbazar. This was in 1910. We met Swami Saradananda downstairs, and with his permission went up to the first floor to offer pranams to Mother.

What an incomparably beautiful image of motherliness met our eyes! She enquired about our occupation, our lodging in Kolkata, from which part of Bengal we hailed, and so on. Mother spoke so sweetly that hearing just those few words my heart was full.

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I said, “Mother, I wish to be initiated.”

Smiling, she said, “Very well, son, come tomorrow morning.”

I asked, “What should I bring?”

She answered, “Nothing, just a few flowers.”

Next morning I went to Mother’s house with only a few flowers. The initiation over, the attendant monk asked me, “Haven’t you brought any sweets?” I was deeply embarrassed. Next day, after college, I hastened to pay homage to Mother. Mindful of my embarrassment on the previous day, I bought some sweets which I took with me.

The monk who had mentioned the sweets on that occasion asked me, “From where are you coming now?”

I replied, “Straight from college.” Showing him the packet of sweets I said, “I’ve brought this for Mother.”

He exclaimed, “Silly boy, to have brought sweets for Mother without changing your clothes after college! I doubt whether Mother will eat any of them.”

I was very sad. I went up, intending only to offer pranam and come away. As soon as I rose after touching her feet, Mother said, “Why, son, won’t you give me the sweets you have brought for me?”

The all-knowing Mother! One did not need to tell her anything. However, thinking Mother would not eat the sweets I had brought in my college clothes, I stood silently. Mother repeated, “Well, dear, give me the sweets.” She held out her hands.

My eyes brimming with tears, I took out the little packet of sweets with some hesitation. I said, “But I haven’t changed my clothes, Mother I’ve come to you directly from college.”

Mother said, “What does that matter?” When I handed the packet of sweets to her, she took a little from it and put it in her mouth. Then she returned the whole packet to me saying, “Eat”. To me it seemed that I had taken ambrosia.

I realize today that it was with Mother’s blessings that I was able to pass my life as I did, sheltered by the Master and Mother. It is my belief that with Mother’s blessings no harm can ever come to me in this world.

VIDEO: How God-Realized Sages Read Other People’s Mind – 3 Conversations with Mother Mirra that reveal how Yogis can accurately read the thoughts, feelings & emotions of not just people but also of animals.

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