Does an Avatar i.e. an incarnation of God, have the absolute free will to choose the time and place of his (or her) birth? Or is an Avatar, like us ordinary people, also forced to be born under those circumstances which are suitable for the working out of his past Karmas? Stated differently, is an Avatar the Lord and Master of the law of Karma, or is he its lowly servant?
After watching the earlier video: How Could An Avatar like Sri Ramakrishna Get Cancer, some people are still left with this lingering doubt. So let us listen in to the answers that two adept sages of Vedanta have given, as well as to what has been stated in the Bhagavad Gita.
Books Referenced in this Video
- Self-Knowledge by Swami Sivananda
- Spiritual Talks by the First Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna
- The Bhagavad Gita: To discover which is the best English translation of the Bhagavad Gita to read, watch the earlier video: 3 Superb Translations of the Bhagavad Gita to Read
Disciple’s Question: Since an Avatar comes here with a divine Power, Light and Ananda why should he pass through the same process of sadhana as an ordinary sadhak?
Sri Aurobindo: The Avatar is not supposed to act in a non-human way; he takes up human action and uses human methods with the human consciousness in front and the Divine behind. If he did not, his taking a human body would have no meaning and would be of no use to anybody. He could just as well have stayed above and done things from there.
More Posts in the “Karma” Series:
- VIDEO: Part 1 – What is the Meaning of the Word Karma? What is the Law of Karma? – understanding of Karma based upon the teachings of 2 great sages of Advaita Vedanta – Swami Vivekananda & Sri Aurobindo.
- VIDEO: Part 2 – Law of Karma is Not Eye-for-Eye | Understanding How Karmic Justice is Dispensed – The law of karma is not an eye-for-an-eye type of petty and mechanical justice. There is a divine intelligence, the intelligence of our soul, which guides the law of karma and which responds rationally by scrutinizing the motives and intentions with which we perform each and every action.
- VIDEO: Part 3 – Some Stories in Mahabharata Imply Karma “IS” Eye for Eye? Can You Explain? – This video debunks the Gandhari & Insect Eggs folklore related to the Mahabharata, which implies the law of karma is an eye-for-eye type of barbaric justice.
- VIDEO: Part 4 – Can Divine Grace Wipe Away Our Past Karmas & Alter Our Destiny? – Can God’s Grace save us from bearing the karmic effects of our past actions? The answer revealed through the tale of Markandeya a boy fated to die at age 16.