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Bhagavad Gita on Karma – Is Cancer ALWAYS Due To Past Bad Karma? (VIDEO)

This video uses a teaching from the Bhagavad Gita on Karma, to debunk the popularly held notion that every person suffering from cancer or from some other deadly disease, is necessarily doing so, as a result of bad karma done in some past life.

Diseases, as the sages tell us have many causes, and past bad karma is only one of them. Furthermore as the Bhagavad Gita tells us, it is not possible for an ordinary person to pinpoint and know for sure, whether past bad karma is the cause behind their’s or somebody else’s suffering. For this reason we must not resort to fatalism, and become cold-hearted and cruel to the sufferings of others, instead we must always keep our compassion and empathy alive.

This video has been excerpted from the earlier video: How Could an Avatar Like Sri Ramakrishna Get Cancer? Was it Due to His Past Bad Karmas?

The Best Translation of the Bhagavad Gita to Read

To find out which is the best English translation of the Bhagavad Gita do watch the earlier VIDEO: 3 Superb Translations of the Bhagavad Gita to Read

“As for cancer, the first thing is that you should drive off all fear. If you want to get cured there are two conditions. First you must be without fear, absolutely fearless, you understand, and secondly you must have a complete faith in the Divine protection. These two things are essential.”
– Mother Mirra, Sri Aurobindo Ashram

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