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Practice of Brahmacharya – The Secret Behind Swami Vivekananda’s Electrifying Speeches

The practice of Brahmacharya means observing absolute celibacy in one’s thoughts, words and deeds. In the enclosed excerpt Swami Vivekananda speaks of the tremendous power that comes to one who practices unbroken Brahmacharya. This passage has been taken from the book: The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume 5.

Swami Vivekananda: Do you think that there will be no more Vivekanandas after I die! That batch of young men who came and played music before me a little while ago, whom you all despise for being addicted to intoxicating drugs and look upon as worthless fellows, if the Lord wishes, each and everyone of them may become a Vivekananda!

Disciple: Whatever you may say, I cannot bring myself to believe in these words. Who can come by that oratorical power of expounding philosophy which you have?

Swami Vivekananda: You don’t know! That power may come to all. That power comes to him who observes unbroken Brahmacharya for a period of twelve years, with the sole object of realising God. I have practiced that kind of Brahmacharya myself, and so a screen has been removed, as it were, from my brain.

For that reason, I need not any more think over or prepare myself for any lectures on such a subtle subject as philosophy. Suppose I have to lecture tomorrow; all that I shall speak about will pass tonight before my eyes like so many pictures; and the next day I put into words during my lecture all those things that I saw.

So you will understand now that it is not any power which is exclusively my own. Whoever will practice unbroken Brahmacharya for twelve years will surely have it. If you do so, you too will get it. Our Shâstras do not say that only such and such a person will get it and not others!

Credit: The above excerpt has been published here by the Instagram Page swamivivekananda_inspires.

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