Discover Advaita Vedanta


What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers of Pandit Shriram Sharma Newsletter. Miserliness Miserliness is ingrained in many persons. That is the reason why they do not make any progress in their […]

Why Be Elated by Monetary Profit? Be Even-minded in Gain or Loss

People worship money so much that they hardly stop to cultivate any detachment towards it. Then when they have to let go of their wealth at death, the suffering of their soul becomes especially intense. Since they have not practiced detachment while living, they find it extremely difficult to let go of their wealth at death.

This truth about cultivating equanimity of mind towards profit and loss, and detachment towards money and possessions; was taught to Paramahansa Yogananda by his mother and father, through a few interesting life events, which we visit in this post.

How to Find Everlasting Happiness?

People think that their happiness is tied to their material possessions (house, car, money etc). So they seek happiness by chasing these things in the outside world. BUT do we find true everlasting happiness there? We do not. Then where should we look?

Sri Aurobindo: A Rishi’s View of Money (VIDEO)

This video gives us sadhaks a glimpse into a Rishi’s mind and teaches us: The complete detachment with which a Rishi views money as well as, The complete surrender with which a Rishi places his life in God’s hands. Book Referenced & Music Used In This Video Life of Sri Aurobindo by A.B. Purani Surya […]

Contentment Comes Not From Material Possessions, But Living a Noble Life

The enclosed excerpt on Simplicity & Contentment has been taken from Mother Mirra’s book: Words of Long Ago (Volume 2) (Free Download). Saint Francis was an apostle of the Good Life. He did not teach in order to earn money. His life was simple and his greatest joy was to instruct the people by his […]

A Simple Life Is More Desirable Than a Life of Extravagance, Vanity & Show

The enclosed teaching of Mother Mirra, the God-realized sage and spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, is extremely relevant in today’s times when there is a tremendous pressure on the common person to aspire for an extravagant and luxurious lifestyle. Rather than compelling a person to lead a noble and a good life dedicated to the […]

Be a Trustee, NOT an Owner of Wealth | Vivekananda’s Teaching to Rockefeller

Swami Vivekananda being a God-realized soul, possessed many yogic powers, one of which was the ability to read into a person’s past, present and future. He once described these mind reading powers of his, to a disciple: Swami Vivekananda: “While I was in America I had certain wonderful powers developed in me. By looking into […]