Discover Advaita Vedanta

Reasons for India’s Downfall – Lessons to Learn

The enclosed article has been authored by a Spiritual Bee’er who wishes to remain anonymous. On the occasion of India’s Republic day, some thoughts crossed my mind: 1️⃣ Reasons for India’s Downfall India is in its 76th year of independence. For more than 1000 years, our nation faced an existential crisis due to the onslaught […]

Did Swami Vivekananda Support the Caste System? (VIDEO)

Some people in India accuse Swami Vivekananda of supporting the caste system and its accompanying injustices and discriminations. But is this right? Was Swami Vivekananda in favour of Brahmins and opposed to Shudras? What were Swami Vivekananda’s actual views on the caste system?

Sri Ramakrishna’s Compassion for the Lowly & Humble Sweeper Rasik

Caste prejudices unfortunately dominated India in Sri Ramakrishna’s time. But as the enclosed incidents depict, Sri Ramakrishna’s Grace was always flowing towards those who were pure and sincere in heart. The cruel-hearted Hindu society of those days may have shunned certain people as being lowly and not worthy of even the right to enter a […]

Sarada Ma’s All Encompassing Love, Which Rejected Caste Prejudices

Caste prejudices unfortunately dominated India in Sarada Ma and Sri Ramakrishna’s time. Not just sections of Hindus, but even Muslims were treated as untouchables and food touched or cooked by them was not eaten by upper caste Hindus. Foreigners too were considered as Mlecchas (barbarians) and not worth mingling with. In fact if a high […]

Sabarimala – Just Because a Custom is OLD, Does Not Mean It Is RIGHT (VIDEO)

Every old custom handed down by history, cannot be blindly accepted as being approved by the Hindu scriptures and being a part of Hinduism. We must use our sense of “vivek” (good judgement) and determine whether it is truly in keeping with scriptural teachings of “Oneness and equality” and “Perfection and Impartiality of God”. Otherwise […]