Discover Advaita Vedanta

Want to Participate in Mantra Jap? Do You Need Prayers For Your Loved Ones?

A couple of spiritual organizations are conduction daily/weekly mantra jap. Mantra Jap is extremely beneficial in these difficult times, when many are suffering from corona and its after effects. Mantra Jap boosts prana shakti and results in stronger will power and a healthier mind and body too. Additionally prayer requests too can be sent for […]

Why is Corona Happening? Can Building Temples Save Hindu Culture? (PODCAST)

Our nation has been badly hit by a second wave of corona. Many people have lost their lives and the immense suffering has shaken us to the core. I have been receiving questions from some of you, asking why all this is happening? What are the spiritual and astrological reasons behind it? This podcast covers your questions and outlines the right spiritual way in which we should think about this crisis.

How Wearing Ordinary Cloth Masks Drastically Reduces Corona Virus Transmission

Cloth masks may not protect you a 100% from GETTING the virus, but they can prevent you from SPREADING it. So wear masks when going in public. Health officials in many countries, especially in the USA are advising people not to wear masks. Their motive is understandable because they want to save precious resources, such […]

Corona Virus – Do Not Panic, Do Not Fear – Insightful Posts from Around the Web

Don’t Panic, Don’t Fear – Stay Calm Article 1: End of Coronavirus Pandemic is Near’, says Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt (Click link to read) “What we need is to control the panic…we’re going to be fine.” – Nobel Laureate Michael Levitt Note: As Professor Michael Levitt has explained in the above article, the rate of […]

How to Deal with Worry, Stress & Anxiety in Times of the Corona Virus

The corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) has created an unprecedented wave of fear in people across the world. In face of stock market losses, job losses, lifestyle disruptions & fear mongering via Whatsapp messages – many are suffering from worry, stress and anxiety. So how do we handle it? In this video I outline 4 steps […]