Avoid Dependence on Astrology, Place Your Faith SOLIDLY in God Instead

Superstition means to seek guidance from effects, in ignorance of their causes. Many people look to the heavens for signs instead of choosing the wiser path of seeking guidance in their souls, from God. Some people refuse to do anything for themselves until the planetary positions are favorable. While it is not unwise to initiate […]

A True Devotee of God Does Not Look At Muhurata (Auspicious Time)

A devotee does not pay much attention to the auspicious or the inauspicious. He remains unaffected by them. He is firmly convinced that true dependence on God will lead him on the right way. The following incident from the life of Swami Yatiswarananda of the Ramakrishna Mission, sets the perspective clear on auspiciousness: “Once in […]

BEST WAY to Contact God & Get His Guidance in Difficulties (VIDEO)

How can we contact God? How can we connect with Him, and present our problems to Him and ask for solutions? The powerful technique to do so has been enumerated by Paramahansa Yogananda. If we follow it, we will see that the answers and solutions do come. Now the answers/solutions do NOT come in the […]

Do Hindu Gods & Goddesses Actually Exist? | 3 Experiences of Swami Brahmananda

Do Hindu Gods such as Kali, Krishna and others really exist? Does God have a human form such as that of Lord Krishna, or of Mother Kali; or is God a Formless entity? In this video we visit the Vedantic answer to these questions through the direct spiritual experiences of Swami Brahmananda, the God-realized sage […]

What is the Proof of Vedanta? How Do We Know God & Soul Exist? (VIDEO)

In this video we visit the answer to some fundamentally important questions namely: What is the proof of Vedanta? How do we know that by following the teachings of Vedanta we will actually attain to Soul-realization, or God-realization? How do we know that the Soul exists or that God exists? How do we know that […]

God is One, His Names and Forms Are Many | Swami Sivananda (VIDEO)

Can a devotee of Lord Shiva visit the temples of Lord Vishnu, or of Devi (i.e. the Divine Mother Gayatri, or Kali, or Parvati etc.)? A disciple once asked Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society, this question. The God-realized sage responded by outlining the fundamental Advaita Vedantic truth of the Oneness and the Sameness […]

God Does Not Care About Externals – He Sees the Innermost Heart

The following poignant excerpt has been taken from the introduction to the book: A Guide to Spiritual Life: Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda. It has been authored by Swami Chetanananda of the Ramakrishna Mission. In it is recounted an incident which occurred in the life of Swami Brahmananda, which highlights not only the tremendous repression […]

Understanding the Many Gods in Hinduism

Why do Hindus worship so many Gods? Is Hinduism a polytheistic religion? Why is the cow sacred? Why is the river Ganges considered so holy? Why is the sun worshiped? These are some of the questions that naturally arise in most people’s minds when they look at Hinduism from the outside. For those of us […]

Why Does God Allow Rape and Other Heinous Crimes to be Committed?

If He is so powerful why does He not do something to stop them? “A nation is not to be judged by its weaklings, called the wicked, for they are only the weeds which lag behind, but by the good, who indicate the national life-current to be flowing clear and vigorous.” – Swami Vivekananda The […]

Why is Nature So Beautiful? Why Does It Fill Us With Joy and Peace?

“Form, colour, scent and something else which is indefinable constitute the beauty of flowers.” – Sri Aurobindo Why is nature so beautiful? Why does a short walk amidst nature have such a calming influence on our mind? Why does the sight of flowers, butterflies and rainbows fill our hearts with joy unspeakable? Mankind’s love for […]

What is the Difference between a Human Being and God?

They say that God has made man in his image. So is there anything that differentiates a human being from God? The answer is a surprising one! – Ignorance. Ignorance is what separates man from God. Our souls are already a part of the divine consciousness of God, yet we remain ignorant of this truth […]

Believe in Yourself – Arise, Awake from this Hypnotism of Weakness!

“Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn’t have it in the beginning.” – Mahatma Gandhi Rouse your sleeping soul. The power […]

Who is God? The Surprising Answer Behind the Origin of the Universe

“The Universe is founded in Consciousness and guided by it. Just as the Soul is the reality underlying the conscious powers of an individual, so is the Supreme Soul (God), the eternal quiet underneath the drive and activity of the Universe.” – Aitareya Upanishad Who is God? – It will perhaps come as a surprise […]

Why Has Science Not Found God?

“As man becomes conscious of the stupendous laws that govern the universe in perfect harmony, he begins to realize how small he is. Something deeply hidden has to be behind things. And yet people say there is no God.” – Albert Einstein Science has not found God, because so far it has not looked in […]

What is Spirituality? Profound Truths Behind Our Existence Revealed!

“This universe is formed out of both consciousness forces and matter. While the study of matter has been the domain of traditional science, the study of Consciousness is the science of spirituality.” – Shriram Sharma Acharya Great is the tenacity with which we cling to life, to love, to beauty and youth, to power and […]