Discover Advaita Vedanta

Great Avatars Maintain a Presence in the Subtle Realm After Death

What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers of Pandit Shriram Sharma Newsletter on the Spiritual Bee Academy App. On 5th December 1950, Sri Aurobindo gave up his physical sheath. In the enclosed […]

Many Times Sri Ramakrishna Gave Seemingly Contradictory Advice

2 disciples reported to Sri Ramakrishna that people were speaking ill of the sage. To the first disciple Sri Ramakrishna said: Keep calm and don’t reply back. To the other he said: You should stand up and defend me. Why this difference in advice for the same situation?

Part 8 – Want a God Realized Guru to Help You? Inner Contact is Must. How to Establish It?

“If you give up your lustful ways and lead a good moral life for 6 months, I shall accept you as my disciple.” Lahiri Mahasaya said to a person who had come to him for initiation. Did the man listen to Lahiri Mahasaya and reform his habits? Was the man able to open up his consciousness to receive the sage’s Divine Grace? What steps should a sadhak take so that he can establish an inner contact with a God Realized sage who has left his body. An inner contact as we saw in our last video is a must before we can receive the help of a great guru, even one who has left his body.

Part 7: Inner Contact with Guru MUCH MORE Important than Outer Contact (VIDEO)

Gurudev please stop the train! cried Abhoya silently in her heart, remembering her guru Lahiri Mahasaya who was situated in far away Benares. What happened next demonstrates the truth that a disciple must have a deep inner contact with a God Realized guru.* Then only the guru’s help can reach the disciple. If the disciple […]

Easiest Way to Distinguish a Real Guru From Fake! (VIDEO)

Is it ok for a guru to live a lifestyle of sensual indulgence – owning fleets of expensive cars, wearing loads of gold jewellery and seeking sexual favours from their devotees? In this video we see how this behaviour of today’s Godmen contrasts sharply with the frugal lifestyle of genuine God realized sages, who despite possessing Lakshmi Siddhi, never used this power to better their own condition. Instead they used their Lakshmi Siddhi prudently to help deserving devotees.

Choose a God Realized Guru, As Only a Knower of God Can Guide to Samadhi

The following excerpt has been taken from the book Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda (Free). In it Swami Brahmananda explains the necessity of a God Realized guru for an aspirant pursuing the spiritual path. For those not familiar with Swami Brahmananda – he was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, who under the able guidance […]

How Shriram Sharma Acharya’s Guru Guided Him Through An Astral Body

“The grace of Divine Souls is granted only for public good, for the growth of righteous attitudes and tendencies in humanity and it is not showered upon anyone who hankers after fame or material prosperity.” – Shriram Sharma Acharya Enclosed is a wonderful experience from the life of Shriram Sharma Acharya which demonstrates that a […]