Discover Advaita Vedanta

Vedas Say There is Only ONE God in Hinduism? Then Why Do We Worship So Many Gods? (VIDEO)

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily Advaita Vedanta quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. Ekameva Dvitiyam shloka from Chandogya Upanishad (6.2.1) belonging to Sama Veda explained. This video is excerpted from – What is Nirvikalpa Samadhi? What is Maya? How Does One God Appear Divided into the Many Gods of Hinduism? […]

Is There Any Truth in Idol Worship?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. Some nuns belonging to a Hindu sect, who were against idol worship, once asked the Holy Mother Sarada Ma this question. The incident is documented in the book: Gospel of The Holy Mother and has been excerpted below from there: A few […]

Idol Worship – Form of God Needed to Steady the Mind. Muslims & Christians Too Use Forms

Swami Sivananda: Generally, people say Hindus are idolaters. But a Muslim too has the symbol of Kaaba to remind him of Allah. Similarly, the Christian has got the Cross. The truth is that an anchor is needed in the beginning in order to steady the mind. So forms are necessary.

Only a microscopic minority are capable of taking up Nirguna Upasana (worship without name and form). 99% percent of devotees need a name and a form to fix their mind on God.

Is Aakashvani Real? Can the Voice of God Really be Heard? (1/2)

Gurudev in ancient times Akashvani i.e. celestial voices were frequently heard, warning people about coming events. So can the voice of God really be heard or is it just a hallucination? A devotee once asked Swami Sivananda. Hear the sage’s intriguing reply in this video. Book Referenced in this Video: This video references the book: […]

Why is Corona Happening? Can Building Temples Save Hindu Culture? (PODCAST)

Our nation has been badly hit by a second wave of corona. Many people have lost their lives and the immense suffering has shaken us to the core. I have been receiving questions from some of you, asking why all this is happening? What are the spiritual and astrological reasons behind it? This podcast covers your questions and outlines the right spiritual way in which we should think about this crisis.

Don’t Pluck Flowers, for Plants Worship God with their Blossoms

God is seated not just in the temple, but he is present even in the heart of trees who worship the Cosmic Divine Consciousness (God) with their beautiful blossoms. The previous message by Maharshi Ramana on not plucking flowers has also been emphasized by Swami Brahmananda, who was a God-realized direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. […]

Do You Pluck Flowers For Puja? Ramana Maharshi’s Message For You

Once Subbalakshmi Ammal, a long-standing devotee and a cook at the Ashram was indiscriminately plucking flowers from a bush. Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi asked, “What are you doing, Lakshmi?” She replied, “I am plucking flowers for puja.” Pointing to the towel, which she had spread on the ground to collect flowers, Bhagavan said, “You already […]

Swami Vivekananda – Manu Smriti is OBSOLETE. Laws Not Applicable Today

Discover 5 Little Known, Yet Crucial Facts About Our Smritis such as the Manu Smriti “The old Smritis (such as the Manusmriti) are now obsolete. It is time to write a new Smriti according to the need of the present age.” – Swami Vivekananda’s remark to his guru-bhai (brother-disciple) Swami Vijnanananda. So why did Swami […]

Laws of Manusmriti Regarding Menstruation Are No Longer Applicable (VIDEO)

In this video I discuss how: The laws of the Manusmriti, which describe menstruation as a time of sutak (or impurity), are no longer applicable in modern times. Manusmriti being a Smriti contains many temporary laws which are valid ONLY for certain times & under certain conditions. When these times & conditions change these laws […]