Significance Kumbh | Condition for Forgiveness of Past Bad Karmas | Bathe in Spiritual Ganga (VIDEO )

If a Girl Gets Raped is it Because of Her Past Karma? Kolkata Doctor Rape Tragedy

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily Advaita Vedanta quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. Pornography Fuels Lust Kolkata Doctor Rape Tragedy Subscribe to our Yogic Powers & FAQs on Spirituality Newsletters, via the Spiritual Bee App.
Palmistry Genuine or Fake?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. A devotee once asked Mother Mirra for her views on Palmistry. Here is what she said, emphasizing that for those who pursue a spiritual life, a higher destiny starts to overtake and supersede the lower destiny predicted by palmistry. Mother Mirra: Horoscopes […]
Do We Have Free-Will?

Is there any free will? Or are we mercilessly bound by the coils of destiny? Some people posed this question to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa…
Just as a Stone Scatters Many Crows, a Moment of Self-Reflection Can Erase Numerous Bad Karmas

Do you criticize and find fault with others? STOP and direct this energy inwards to self-introspection. You will immediately come close to God.
How to Perform Nishkama Karma (Selfless Service) and Eliminate the Ego?

Sri Ramana Maharshi demonstrates that Nishkama Karma means doing good to others, without any expectation of receiving even a thank you in return.
Teachings of Swami Vivekananda on Fate – We Create Our Own Destiny

The enclosed post has been taken from the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Volume 8. There was a very powerful dynasty in Southern India. They made it a rule to take the horoscope of all the prominent men living from time to time, calculated from the time of their birth. In this way they got […]
Avoid Dependence on Astrology, Place Your Faith SOLIDLY in God Instead

Superstition means to seek guidance from effects, in ignorance of their causes. Many people look to the heavens for signs instead of choosing the wiser path of seeking guidance in their souls, from God. Some people refuse to do anything for themselves until the planetary positions are favorable. While it is not unwise to initiate […]
You Are the MASTER of Your Destiny – Destiny is Not Fixed, Can Be Changed

17 Truths about Destiny In this video 2 great Rishis of Vedanta, Swami Sivananda and Swami Vivekananda tell us that destiny is not something fixed by our horoscope and cast in stone from the time of our birth. Destiny can be changed. Therefore there is no need for us to fall into the trap of […]
A True Devotee of God Does Not Look At Muhurata (Auspicious Time)

A devotee does not pay much attention to the auspicious or the inauspicious. He remains unaffected by them. He is firmly convinced that true dependence on God will lead him on the right way. The following incident from the life of Swami Yatiswarananda of the Ramakrishna Mission, sets the perspective clear on auspiciousness: “Once in […]
Bhagavad Gita on Karma – Is Cancer ALWAYS Due To Past Bad Karma? (VIDEO)

This video uses a teaching from the Bhagavad Gita on Karma, to debunk the popularly held notion that every person suffering from cancer or from some other deadly disease, is necessarily doing so, as a result of bad karma done in some past life. Diseases, as the sages tell us have many causes, and past […]
Part 5: Does an Avatar Have Free Will, OR Is He Bound by the Law of Karma? (VIDEO)

Does an Avatar i.e. an incarnation of God, have the absolute free will to choose the time and place of his (or her) birth? Or is an Avatar, like us ordinary people, also forced to be born under those circumstances which are suitable for the working out of his past Karmas? Stated differently, is an […]
Part 2: Sri Ramakrishna’s Death – Why He Did Not Use Yogic Powers to Cure Himself (VIDEO)

2 Hidden Reasons why Sri Ramakrishna, the Avatar, choose not to use yogic powers to heal his cancer, but instead decided to give up his body in Samadhi. Understanding the Death of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa – In the previous Part 1 video we saw that Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa the incarnation of God got cancer, not […]
Part 1: Sri Ramakrishna’s Death – Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma? (VIDEO)

The death of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the great Rishi and Avatar is a source of puzzlement for many. Towards the end of his life Sri Ramakrishna contracted throat cancer. As the disease advanced the great Yogi instead of curing himself through his yogic powers, gave up his body in Samadhi. On hearing this account of […]
Part 4: Can Divine Grace Wipe Away Our Past Karmas & Alter Our Destiny?

Can the Grace of God intervene to change our fate or Karmic destiny? Can God’s Grace save us from having to bear the karmic repercussions of our past actions? In this video we discover the answer to these questions through the ancient story of sage Markandeya who was destined to die at the age of […]
Part 3: Mahabharata & Karma | Some Stories Imply Karma “IS” Eye for Eye? Can You Explain? (VIDEO)

There are certain stories associated with our ancient epic the Mahabharata, which imply that the Law of Karma is an eye-for-an-eye type of petty justice. These tales although not part of the original Sanskrit Mahabharata written by Sage Vyasa, exist outside it as part of a pervasive folklore fabric. Despite being deeply incorrect in their […]
Part 2: Law of Karma is Not Eye-for-Eye | Understanding How Karmic Justice is Dispensed (VIDEO)

In this second video of our Karma series, we take a deep dive to discover 5 profound truths about the law of Karma, which are not commonly understood: The Law of Karma is NOT an eye-for-an-eye type of petty justice. There is a divine intelligence, vested with all the powers of God, which governs and […]
Part 1: What is the Meaning of Karma? What is the Law of Karma? (VIDEO)

The law of karma is one of the pivotal spiritual truths that underlie the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta, upon whose mighty shoulders the Hindu religion rests. This same law of karma, with some variations, also underlies other great Indian religions of Buddhism, Sikhism and Jainism. Even so, most of us Indians, unfortunately possess a very […]