Discover Advaita Vedanta

Many Times Sri Ramakrishna Gave Seemingly Contradictory Advice

2 disciples reported to Sri Ramakrishna that people were speaking ill of the sage. To the first disciple Sri Ramakrishna said: Keep calm and don’t reply back. To the other he said: You should stand up and defend me. Why this difference in advice for the same situation?

Don’t Find Fault With Anyone

SRI RAMAKRISHNA: Don’t find fault with anyone, not even with an insect. Pray to God that you may not find fault with anyone.

God is Within, Yet We Search For Him Here and There

SRI RAMAKRISHNA: As long as man feels that God is ‘outside’, seated in a temple or in some other holy place he is ignorant. His situation is like the man holding a lantern in his hand, looking for a matchbox.

What is the Meaning of Om?

You hear the roar of the ocean from far. By following the sound you can reach the ocean. Similarly by following the trail of Om you attain to God. – Sri Ramakrishna

My Religion is True, Others are False, This Belief is Not Right

The one thing necessary for realization is whole-hearted and whole-souled devotion to God. Muslims, Christians and Hindus are all longing for the same God; but they do not know that He who Krishna is also Christ and Allah.

God is one, but He has many names. The Substance is one, but is worshipped under different names according to the time, place and nationality of His worshippers. All the different Scriptures of the world speak of the same God.

Do We Have Free-Will?

Is there any free will? Or are we mercilessly bound by the coils of destiny? Some people posed this question to Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa…

How Can I Realize God? Answer From Sri Ramakrishna

Suppose an addict wants to get intoxicated on hemp? Will only crying ‘hemp, hemp’ help him get intoxicated? it will not. The addict will have to put some effort into it. Similarly just crying ‘God, God’ alone will not make us realize Him.

A True Sadhu Does Not Distinguish Between Friend and Foe

One of the ways of making out a real saint from an imposter, is to evaluate their attitude towards others. Today there are many fake sadhus who wear the orange robe, but within their hearts burn the flame of hatred of Muslims, Christians and other minorities. A real saint on the other hand views everyone with the attitude of Oneness.

Real Temple For God Has To Be Built Within

The real temple for God has to be built within, in our heart. It is there that the Divine Mother truly resides. The outside temple of brick and mortar, is only to inspire us to build this real and everlasting inner temple.