Discover Advaita Vedanta

जब शारदा माँ को हुई माँ काली की अनोखी अनुभूति (VIDEO)

एक बार माँ काली शारदा माँ के सामने प्रकट हो गयीं। कारण क्या था? वह शारदा माँ को एक परम सत्य से परिचित करना चाहतीं थीं। वह सत्य क्या था? आइये जानतें है इस वीडियो में।

Signs of Samadhi – Few Observations of Sri Ramakrishna’s Disciple

In the following passages Swami Abhedananda, who was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, describes the deep state of Samadhi into which his guru would often fall into. These passages have been taken from the book Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Samadhi was a natural state with Ramakrishna. He never had to make a special effort […]

Merely Parroting Mantras Will Not Yield Much Benefit

The following insightful conversation between Sri Ramakrishna and Bijoy, a celebrated preacher of the Brahmo Samaj, has been captured by Swami Abhedananda in his book: Gospel of Ramakrishna. It has been excerpted below from there. Sri Ramakrishna: What do you say is the means of attaining to God? Bijoy: Bhagavan (honorary term for Sri Ramakrishna). […]

Let Me Tell You One Thing – God Can Be SEEN

Let me tell you one thing. God can be seen. The Vedas say that God is beyond mind and speech. The meaning of this is that God is unknown to the mind attached to worldly objects. Vaishnavcharan (A noted devotee of the Vaishnava sect and an admirer of Sri Ramakrishna.) used to say, “God is […]

If You Can’t Meditate, Do Mantra Jap At Least

Disciple: Mother, why is it that the mind does not become steady? When I try to think of God, I find the mind drawn towards other objects. Mother: It is wrong if the mind is drawn towards secular objects. By ‘secular objects’ is meant money, family, etc. But it is natural to think of the […]

In Samadhi Sri Ramakrishna’s Body Became Light As a Feather (VIDEO)

A fascinating story behind the famous “Shrine pose of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa”, which is worshiped by millions across the world. This story also reveals a little-known detail about what happens during the process of Samadhi or God-Consciousness. Resources Referenced in This Video: This video references an article: Shrine Pose of Sri Ramakrishna published by the […]