Part 5: Suppose People Speak Ill Behind Your Back, How Should You Behave?

How should sadhaks treat those who dislike them and wish to cause them harm? Advice Sri Ramakrishna gave to Swami Vivekananda.
Part 4: Though God Dwells in All, Wicked People Must Be Avoided

Sri Ramakrishna’s Advice to Sadhaks – Recognize Divinity in all, but do not mix with bad people. Maintain your distance and avoid their company.
Sarada Ma’s Vision of Maa Kali – The Wonderful Truth Maa Kali Revealed to Her (VIDEO)

Once Maa Kali came to Sarada Ma and revealed a profound truth about Sri Ramakrishna to her. What was this truth? Discover in this video.
जब शारदा माँ को हुई माँ काली की अनोखी अनुभूति (VIDEO)

एक बार माँ काली शारदा माँ के सामने प्रकट हो गयीं। कारण क्या था? वह शारदा माँ को एक परम सत्य से परिचित करना चाहतीं थीं। वह सत्य क्या था? आइये जानतें है इस वीडियो में।
2 Miracles of Sarada Ma – Unimaginable Ways in Which She Helps Devotees

2 miraculous incidents in which Holy Mother Sarada Ma saved a devotee from a terrible fire, and how she healed his burnt face in a Divine Vision.
2 Prophetic Visions of Holy Mother Sarada Ma

2 amazing visions of Sarada Ma which showed her how the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa would spread across the world.
Prepare Me a Smoke! Arrogant Man Ordered Sri Ramakrishna…How Did Sage Reply?

Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was a famous sage of his time. People came from far and wide to offer their respects to him. His every wish was their command and devotees worked hard to fulfill their guru’s smallest desires. So how does such a sage who was used to people placing him on a pedestal and […]
Signs of Samadhi – Few Observations of Sri Ramakrishna’s Disciple

In the following passages Swami Abhedananda, who was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, describes the deep state of Samadhi into which his guru would often fall into. These passages have been taken from the book Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Samadhi was a natural state with Ramakrishna. He never had to make a special effort […]
Merely Parroting Mantras Will Not Yield Much Benefit

The following insightful conversation between Sri Ramakrishna and Bijoy, a celebrated preacher of the Brahmo Samaj, has been captured by Swami Abhedananda in his book: Gospel of Ramakrishna. It has been excerpted below from there. Sri Ramakrishna: What do you say is the means of attaining to God? Bijoy: Bhagavan (honorary term for Sri Ramakrishna). […]
Secret to a Happy Life – Adjust According to Circumstances, Instead of Becoming Frustrated

The enclosed post has been excerpted from Swami Chetanananda’s beautiful write-up on the Holy Mother Sarada Ma. It showcases the lessons we can learn from the way Mother conducted herself through frustrating life events. Swami Chetanananda is a monk with the Ramakrishna Mission who has written many beautiful books. You can download and read Swami […]
Let Me Tell You One Thing – God Can Be SEEN

Let me tell you one thing. God can be seen. The Vedas say that God is beyond mind and speech. The meaning of this is that God is unknown to the mind attached to worldly objects. Vaishnavcharan (A noted devotee of the Vaishnava sect and an admirer of Sri Ramakrishna.) used to say, “God is […]
If You Can’t Meditate, Do Mantra Jap At Least

Disciple: Mother, why is it that the mind does not become steady? When I try to think of God, I find the mind drawn towards other objects. Mother: It is wrong if the mind is drawn towards secular objects. By ‘secular objects’ is meant money, family, etc. But it is natural to think of the […]
“I Am the Mother of the Wicked and the Good” – Holy Mother Sarada Ma’s Boundless Love

Once some intimate devotees of Shri Ramakrishna did not approve of Holy Mother extending her love to undesirable types of people. She however, ignored their advice and remarked, “Everybody can be the mother of the good, but who will accept these dregs of society and console them? I am the mother of the wicked as […]
Part 2: What Do Gurus Do After God-Realization? Relax? Tapasya to Awaken India’s KUNDALINI (VIDEO)

Tapasya Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo and Sri Ramana Did to Awaken India’s Kundalini Many people feel that if they were to find a God Realized Guru living in the physical body, such a guru: Will sit down with them and teach them the ABCs of spirituality from scratch, Will answer each and every question they […]
Part 3 – If a Snake Bites Us, Should We Try to See God in its Soul? (VIDEO)

In a previous video titled Conquer Your Fears we saw that one of the ways to overcome our fears especially of insects, snakes, dogs and other creatures is to try to see the presence of God within their soul. This was the attitude taken by Sri Ramakrishna. So if a snake ever bites us, should […]
Part 2 – Conquer Your Fears! Sri Ramakrishna Was Bitten by a Cobra. How Did He React? (VIDEO)

Do you fear spiders? Do you fear lizards or dogs? Watch this video to discover the spiritual way to overcome these fears. In this video we visit an incident in the life of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa which teaches us the way to overcome the above types of fears. This incident has been recounted by Mother […]
When Sri Ramakrishna Miraculously Satisfied the Hunger of His Disciples (VIDEO)

In our last video we saw how both Ramana Maharshi and Sri Krishna had the spiritual power to satisfy the hunger of a large number of people with a small amount of food. This very same power was also possessed by Sri Ramakrishna. This story has been told by Swami Abhedananda who was one of […]
In Samadhi Sri Ramakrishna’s Body Became Light As a Feather (VIDEO)

A fascinating story behind the famous “Shrine pose of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa”, which is worshiped by millions across the world. This story also reveals a little-known detail about what happens during the process of Samadhi or God-Consciousness. Resources Referenced in This Video: This video references an article: Shrine Pose of Sri Ramakrishna published by the […]