Part 3: How to See God in Those You Don’t Like? Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna

Swami Premananda was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. In the enclosed conversation he reveals how Sri Ramakrishna taught a group of women to see God even in those they did not like. This teaching is most relevant for us today, for living in an age of rampant intolerance, we too tend to develop severe […]
Sri Ramakrishna’s Compassion for the Lowly & Humble Sweeper Rasik

Caste prejudices unfortunately dominated India in Sri Ramakrishna’s time. But as the enclosed incidents depict, Sri Ramakrishna’s Grace was always flowing towards those who were pure and sincere in heart. The cruel-hearted Hindu society of those days may have shunned certain people as being lowly and not worthy of even the right to enter a […]
Powerful Sri Ramakrishna Quotes on Oneness of God & Communal Harmony

Sri Ramakrishna, the Avatar took birth for the sole purpose of uplifting humanity which has lost its way and gotten enmeshed in the jungle of communalism, hatred, violence and religious fanaticism. Enclosed below are some of his most powerful teachings, which Sri Ramakrishna arrived at based on his own spiritual realizations. “I practised each religion […]
Sarada Ma’s All Encompassing Love, Which Rejected Caste Prejudices

Caste prejudices unfortunately dominated India in Sarada Ma and Sri Ramakrishna’s time. Not just sections of Hindus, but even Muslims were treated as untouchables and food touched or cooked by them was not eaten by upper caste Hindus. Foreigners too were considered as Mlecchas (barbarians) and not worth mingling with. In fact if a high […]
How Does a God-Realized Sage View Women? Does He Fear Losing His Brahmacharya in Their Company?

What is the attitude of a God realized sage towards women? How does he look at them? Does he shun women, because they would cause him to lose his brahmacharya (celibacy)? What if a sex worker came before such a sage? How would he treat her? The answers to all these questions is found in […]
Greed for Property & Possessions Damages Devotion to God – Sri Ramakrishna (VIDEO)

Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna: 2 wonderful incidents from the life of Sri Ramakrishna, which provide us with a glimpse of the kind of unbreakable Nishtha or devotion to God that is needed if we wish to attain to the state of God-realization. Book Referenced In This Video Sri Ramakrishna and His Disciples by Sister Devamata […]
When Sarada Ma Cured a Devotee’s Illness by Appearing in his Dream (VIDEO)

In this video we get a glimpse into the yogic process by which God realized sages cure people’s illnesses, without ever meeting them. This glimpse comes via an incident which occurred in the life of Girish Chandra Ghose, whose terminal illness was cured by the Holy Mother Sarada Ma via a dream.
The Rotten State of Hinduism to Reform which Sri Ramakrishna the Avatar, Took Birth (VIDEO)

In the enclosed video we discuss the utterly degraded condition into which the Hindu religion had fallen by the 1800s, which necessitated the arrival of an Avatar like Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, to turn the tide and restore Hinduism back to its Vedantic health and vitality. The reason for the downfall in Hinduism was that through […]
Part 3: 3rd Reason Sri Ramakrishna Did Not Cure His Cancer – To Usher Descent of Satyug from Subtle Realm

In this video we visit the third and the most important reason why Sri Ramakrishna chose not to cure his cancer and instead gave up his body in Samadhi and withdrew into the subtle realm. Book Referenced In This Video The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 6 I believe that the Satya Yuga (Golden […]
Part 5: Does an Avatar Have Free Will, OR Is He Bound by the Law of Karma? (VIDEO)

Does an Avatar i.e. an incarnation of God, have the absolute free will to choose the time and place of his (or her) birth? Or is an Avatar, like us ordinary people, also forced to be born under those circumstances which are suitable for the working out of his past Karmas? Stated differently, is an […]
Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna | Do Not Speak Harshly And Hurt Others Feelings

Latu Maharaj was the first young disciple to come to Shri Ramakrishna at Dakshineswar. The sage gave him various spiritual instructions and guided him carefully in the development of his character. Latu had come to the Master with a habit of making blunt remarks, which Ramakrishna gradually corrected. One day, when a devotee at Dakshineswar […]
Part 2: Sri Ramakrishna’s Death – Why He Did Not Use Yogic Powers to Cure Himself (VIDEO)

2 Hidden Reasons why Sri Ramakrishna, the Avatar, choose not to use yogic powers to heal his cancer, but instead decided to give up his body in Samadhi. Understanding the Death of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa – In the previous Part 1 video we saw that Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa the incarnation of God got cancer, not […]
Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna | Forgiveness Towards a Priest Who Kicked Him

How Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa taught the virtues of forgiveness & forbearance to his disciples, through an incident which took place in his own life. The Kali temple of Dakshineshwar (Calcutta) where Sri Ramakrishna used to live, had been build by Rani Rasmani after she received instructions in a Divine vision to do so. She had […]
Part 1: Sri Ramakrishna’s Death – Did He Get Cancer Due to Past Bad Karma? (VIDEO)

The death of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, the great Rishi and Avatar is a source of puzzlement for many. Towards the end of his life Sri Ramakrishna contracted throat cancer. As the disease advanced the great Yogi instead of curing himself through his yogic powers, gave up his body in Samadhi. On hearing this account of […]
Sri Ramakrishna’s Love and Compassion for Mute Animals

Two incidents from the life of Sri Ramakrishna which demonstrate his Vedantic realization that God is present in the souls of all living beings, including in the souls of animals. Sri Ramakrishna’s Love for Animals – Incident 1 Two cats used to roam about in the compound of the Dakshineshwar temple. No one was taking […]
Is Idol Worship Wrong or Right? Answer from Sri Ramakrishna (VIDEO)

Does God have a form as is depicted by the idols of the Hindu Gods & Goddesses? Or is God the formless Infinite as is portrayed in the other religions of the world? In this video Sri Ramakrishna reveals the true nature of God, through a beautiful story. Free Book Referenced In This Video This […]
How the Rishis Ramakrishna, Aurobindo & Ramana Freed India from the British

“It is an undisputed fact that Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo and Maharishi Ramana did immense sadhana to uplift India and free her from the slavery of the British Rule. With their arduous and intense Tapasya (meditation) these sages heated up the subtle realm, i.e. the realm of the Universal Mind in which all our individual […]
On the Road to Samadhi Any Yogic Powers That Arise Must Be Shunned | Sri Ramakrishna (VIDEO)

Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings on the perils of exercising occult powers and why he did not use them to cure his throat cancer. This video is a continuation of our “Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna” series. In it we visit Sri Ramakrishna’s advice to sadhaks regarding yogic powers. These powers which are alternatively known as psychic or […]