All Religions Are True, All Lead to the Same God | Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna (VIDEO)

The enclosed video is part of a new series on the Advaita Vedanta teachings of Sri Ramakrishna, in which Sri Ramakrishna outlines the fundamental truth that all religions of the world are true, and all lead to the same ocean of Sat-Chit-Ananda consciousness, called God. However on account of the spiritual immaturity of the followers, […]
Always Speak the Truth Because It Takes Us Directly to God-Realization

The Mundaka Upanishad boldly proclaims: Satyameva Jayate – Truth alone Triumphs and not Untruth. This is because only by being truthful with ourselves and with others, can we clear away the scum of the ego-driven imperfections that cloud our mind; and when the mind is thus purified, our soul can see its reflection clearly and […]
How to Get Peace of Mind? An Answer from the Holy Mother

The following teaching of the Holy Mother, Sarada Ma, has been taken from the book: Spiritual Talks by the First Disciples of Sri Ramakrishna. About the Holy Mother: Sarada Ma was the spiritual counterpart of Sri Ramakrishna and a God-realized yogi just like him. Regarding her spiritual stature, Swami Turiyananda, a direct-disciple of Sri Ramakrishna […]
Part 2: How to Deal With Bullying and Harassment?

In the previous post, we learnt from Swami Vivekananda that the best way to handle insults is to remain detached and to not react. In this way our mind stays established in inner peace and its conserved energies can then be directed towards attaining loftier goals. Now the above teaching of Swamiji works well when […]
Part 1: How to Deal With Insults and Slander?

We live in acrimonious times. All around us we see people trying to rise up by pulling another down. Personal success at the expense of the other seems to be the mantra of today. Everywhere we look this saga is being played out. We see it in the corporate world, in national and international politics, […]
How Sri Ramakrishna Saw Jesus Merge Into His Body

The life of Sri Ramakrishna stands unique in the history of the world, because of all the God-realized teachers, he alone was the one, who through his intense spiritual practices, actually verified the fact that all religions are true and all ultimately lead to the same ocean of consciousness called God (also known as Brahman […]
Peace, Quiet and Calm: At the Ramakrishna Math in Mumbai

I live in Mumbai, and though I love the city, sometimes its intense crowds, noisy traffic and even nosier festivals, get to me; and I feel an intense longing for some peace, calm and solitude – to re-center myself, and spend time rejuvenating mentally and spiritually. Now for most Mumbaikars like me, the only option […]