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Errors During Japa

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily Advaita Vedanta quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. The following account has been given by Swami Saradeshananda in the book: Reminiscences of Sri Sarada Devi. The monastic members at Udbodhan had different natures, but all were Holy Mother Sarada Ma’s sons, having equal claim to […]

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and Its Meaning

What is the meaning of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra? What are the benefits of chanting it? Does it protect from accidents and illnesses? Swami Sivananda answers all these questions.

What is the Meaning of Om?

You hear the roar of the ocean from far. By following the sound you can reach the ocean. Similarly by following the trail of Om you attain to God. – Sri Ramakrishna

When Doing Mantra Jap Do NOT Focus on Its Meaning

How to do Mantra Jap properly? Maharshi Ramana explains that while doing mantra jap we must focus our mind on the Infinite Divine Consciousness (God, Soul) and not try to think of the mantra’s meaning.