Discover Advaita Vedanta

A Conversation with A.S. Dalal on Yoga, Free Will, and Consciousness (VIDEO)

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily Advaita Vedanta quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. At 98 years old, A.S. Dalal, Doctor of Psychology and author of many books about Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy, is the oldest living Sri Aurobindo ashramite. Nicos Hadjicostis, an author and life-long student of the Vedanta, visited Dr. […]

How to Strengthen Your Will-Power?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. Disciple: Mother, how can one strengthen one’s will? Mother Mirra: Oh, as one strengthens muscles, by a methodical exercise. You take one little thing, something you want to do, or don’t want to do. Begin with a small thing, not something very […]

Great Avatars Maintain a Presence in the Subtle Realm After Death

What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers of Pandit Shriram Sharma Newsletter on the Spiritual Bee Academy App. On 5th December 1950, Sri Aurobindo gave up his physical sheath. In the enclosed […]

No One Dies! Your Father is Standing Near the Darshan Room

What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers of Pandit Shriram Sharma Newsletter on the Spiritual Bee Academy App. The following notable incident has been documented by Priti Das Gupta, a direct disciple […]

Palmistry Genuine or Fake?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. A devotee once asked Mother Mirra for her views on Palmistry. Here is what she said, emphasizing that for those who pursue a spiritual life, a higher destiny starts to overtake and supersede the lower destiny predicted by palmistry. Mother Mirra: Horoscopes […]

#2 Leadership Trait – Overcome the Ego and Care For Your Team

Many times good intentioned work is completely ruined when the leader or team members turn egoistic. Co-operation stops and clashes for power and “who gets the credit” and “who gets the blame” begin. Instead of building up the confidence of other team members, an egoistic person starts to pull them down.

“Only he/she must emerge looking good” – this becomes the focus of the person. We are all familiar with such scenarios playing out in corporate life. So what is the correct way in which a team leader should behave? Mother Mirra answers.

How to Avoid Fights and Reach a Common Middle Ground

Mother and Sri Aurobindo - Mother Mirra on How to Avoid Fights and Reach a Common Middle Ground

Have you been in situations where disagreements over minor issues have led to huge fights, mud-slinging and shouting matches? Here are some tips from Mother Mirra, the God-Realized Yogi, on how we can avoid such ego-battles and unnecessary arguments and find middle ground to resolve our disagreements.