Discover Advaita Vedanta

Hatred for Muslims – A Cancer that Will Draw in Invasion from China

“India today is free but she has not achieved unity. The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country. It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled. For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest (by China).”
– Sri Aurobindo

Destiny of India is to be the Land of Hindu-Muslim Unity

Destiny of India is to be the land of Hindu-Muslim-Christian Unity – this is the Rishis plan before Satyug descends. Our Yugdharma (duty in this time) is to make it happen. We are in a Devasura sangram. There are subtle forces of disharmony, which want to break us up as a nation. And there are subtle forces of unity. We must side with the unifying forces, for these are the daivik (Divine) powers.

Tackling Anxiety, Depression & Suicidal Thoughts

Every now and then I get queries from people suffering from anxiety, worry, OCD, depression and suicidal thoughts. Life today is so structured that these things have become common. There is no need to feel ashamed.
As with any other problem of life, these too must be conquered. For this apart from taking medical help, one needs to boldly introspect and change ones own thought patterns. HOW TO DO THIS?

Sometimes Unpleasant Things Happen So a Greater Good Can Emerge (VIDEO)

The moment something bad happens to us, we unnecessarily start feeling sorrowful. But through this humorous incident, which occurs in the life of one of Sri Aurobindo’s dear disciples, we learn that some good usually comes out of the worst of situations.

However we cannot immediately see this good, because it takes time to emerge. Therefore in bad times, it is better to remain calm, unperturbed and patient.

If Someone Treats Us Badly, What Should We Do?

When we are faced with a difficulty we must, instead of getting upset and blaming others, try to look within and see what is it in our own nature that we need to fix in order to overcome the problem.

Did Radha Actually Exist?

The scholars of the modern age say that Radha is a very recent addition to the Krishna cult. Can you tell me whether Radha existed or not? A disciple once asked Mother Mirra this question.

Free Spiritual Books by Mother Mirra – How to Deal with Fear, Worry & Anxiety?

Nikita & I have finished compiling the next collection of spiritual books – those authored by Mother Mirra, the God-realized sage who was the spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo. Before one dives into the writings of Sri Aurobindo, it is best to read Mother Mirra first. Mother’s books are not only much easier to understand […]

An Architect’s Plea to Mother Mirra to Rid his House of Ghosts

“Man must conquer this illusion and know that the dead are here beside us and with us, as much as ever. It is their absence and separation that are a myth.” – Swami Vivekananda’s reaction upon hearing the news of his close friend Mr. Goodwin’s passing away, as recorded by Sister Nivedita in her book, […]

Be Sincere, Don’t Utter Falsehoods to Cover Your Faults

The enclosed teaching of Mother Mirra on sincerity and truthfulness, has been excerpted from her book: Words of Long Ago. Is it not noble to speak the truth even when there is some danger in doing it? Besides, very often, things turn out better for those who brave this danger than it might have seemed […]

Part 2 – Meditate Better! Cleanse Mind of Bad Habit of Gossiping (VIDEO)

Improve your meditation – come closer to God – get God to answer your prayers! All by giving up the evil habit of gossiping. My mind does not remain still during meditation. It wanders here and there. I am unable to concentrate – Have you faced these problems? One reason why our mind flits around […]

Speculating About Past Lives Is a Perilous Game | Sri Aurobindo

A disciple once asked Sri Aurobindo to reveal who he had been in his past lives. Here is the answer he gave as noted in the book: Letters on Himself and the Ashram. (Free Download) Disciple: We have various guesses about your previous lives. The other day I happened to ask X whether you were […]

Part 3: “I Came To Take Your Dog’s Soul”

Amal Kiran was a direct disciple of the God-realized sages Mother Mirra and Sri Aurobindo. The following is an eye-opening excerpt from his book: Our Light & Delight. Our next dog was Épave, meaning “Waif”. It was a street pup, a bag of bones, with severe diarrhoea and with a rump hurt by a cow’s […]