Discover Advaita Vedanta

Part 2: Sage Mirra’s Boundless Compassion for Reptiles and Even Insects

Indian Culture has been founded on empathy and sympathy. The originators and upholders of these twin values have been our Rishis, who have shone the light of their boundless love and compassion on humans, animals, reptiles, insects and plants alike. In today’s materialistic age though, many of us have unfortunately lost sight of these Rishi […]

Part 1: Animals Are “Persons” With Rights – How Great Sages View Animals

Both the ancient as well as the modern Rishis of India, have been known for their tremendous love and compassion for animals. In the forest ashrams of the ancient sages in particular, wild animals roamed freely and lived in harmony with humans. Before the magnanimous and love-filled hearts of God-realized Rishis, ferocious animals like tigers […]

How to Choose the Right Friends? Who is a True Friend? (VIDEO)

How do we choose the right friends? What are the qualities that one should look for in a best friend? How can we differentiate between a true friend and an enemy? Beyond our worldly friends is there a higher Divine friend who can love us in the true way? In this video, Mother Mirra, the […]

A Glimpse Into the Yogic Powers of Sri Aurobindo (VIDEO)

An incident which gives us a glimpse into Sri Aurobindo’s ability to know of things happening in distant places. This incident has been described by Sri Aurobindo’s direct disciple, Nirodbaran in his book, Memorable Contacts With The Mother. Book Referenced & Music Used In This Video Memorable Contacts With The Mother by Nirodbaran Surya Mandala […]

What Will Politics Look Like in Satyug? 5 Transformations Prophesied by Mother Mirra

As we all know politics in many countries including in India and in the United States has degenerated into extreme hate and divisiveness. Selfish politicians pursuing vote-bank politics have fractured the unity of the people and made them utterly intolerant of the views and beliefs of others. By successfully pitting one group of people against […]

Sri Aurobindo: A Rishi’s View of Money (VIDEO)

This video gives us sadhaks a glimpse into a Rishi’s mind and teaches us: The complete detachment with which a Rishi views money as well as, The complete surrender with which a Rishi places his life in God’s hands. Book Referenced & Music Used In This Video Life of Sri Aurobindo by A.B. Purani Surya […]

Mother Mirra | Only the Courageous Can Give Courage to Others (6/6)

The enclosed narration of Mother Mirra’s teachings on courage, has been excerpted from her book: Words of Long Ago (Volume 2). Although the Mother intended these teachings for children, they hold valuable lessons for all of us sadhaks who are trying to grow out of our spiritual childhood into the higher consciousness of spiritual adulthood. […]

What is Courage? Persevering Forward In Spite of Difficulties – Mother Mirra (4/6)

What is Courage? Through the enclosed stories Mother Mirra, the God-realized Yogi, highlights the real meaning of courage. True courage she tells us, is the ability to walk the straight path, to brave the storm, darkness and suffering and to persevere forward, in spite of everything, towards the light. The enclosed narration which illustrates this […]

Speaking Truth To Power | Honest Vashishtha Incurs the Wrath of Vishvamitra (3/6)

Speaking Truth to Power – Through the enclosed stories Mother Mirra explains, that a sincere person does not need to be threatened or frightened into speaking the truth. Instead a sincere person speaks the truth because it is his very nature to be honest and forthright in all his dealings. The Mother brings out this […]

Stories From Mother Mirra | What is Courage | The 3 Types of Courage (1/6)

What is Courage? In this 6 Part Series on Courage, we shall visit Mother Mirra’s teachings regarding the 3 types of courage that are found in the world. Progressing from the lowest to the highest, the first kind of courage, is the courage to defend and protect oneself. The second is the courage to help […]

“Hindus and Muslims of India Must Unite” – Sri Aurobindo

The following excerpt has been taken from Sri Aurobindo’s speech that was broadcast on August 15th 1947, the eve of India’s Independence from the British. In it Sri Aurobindo, the sage who undertook immense Tapasya to create the necessary conditions in the subtle realm, so that India could become free in the physical realm, in […]

How the Rishis Ramakrishna, Aurobindo & Ramana Freed India from the British

“It is an undisputed fact that Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo and Maharishi Ramana did immense sadhana to uplift India and free her from the slavery of the British Rule. With their arduous and intense Tapasya (meditation) these sages heated up the subtle realm, i.e. the realm of the Universal Mind in which all our individual […]