Discover Advaita Vedanta

How God-Realized Sages Read Other People’s Mind (VIDEO)

In this video we go through 3 fascinating conversations which took place between Mother Mirra, the God-realized sage & Avatar, and her disciple Champaklal Maharaj. These insightful conversations offer us a wonderful glimpse into the extraordinary yogic capabilities that God-realized sages possess to read the minds of others. These capabilities are so powerful that such […]

Part 3: Understanding Death – No One Dies, So Do Not Grieve (VIDEO)

Understanding Death - No One Dies So Do Not Grieve

In this 3rd and last video of our “Understanding Death Series”, we visit the last 2 truths about death, which together emphasize the importance of maintaining balance and equanimity (equilibrium) of mind at the time of someone’s passing. Articles & Books Referenced In This Video Letters on Yoga – I by Sri Aurobindo (Free download) […]

Part 1: Understanding Death – Death is For the Body, Not the Soul (VIDEO)

What happens when we die? Is there life after death? Does memory persist after death? What about individuality? In this video we visit the Vedantic answers to these questions as explained by the God-realized sages: Swami Vivekananda, Swami Abhedananda, Swami Sivananda and Sri Aurobindo. This video is the first of a 3 part series which […]

Part 4: Can Divine Grace Wipe Away Our Past Karmas & Alter Our Destiny?

Can the Grace of God intervene to change our fate or Karmic destiny? Can God’s Grace save us from having to bear the karmic repercussions of our past actions? In this video we discover the answer to these questions through the ancient story of sage Markandeya who was destined to die at the age of […]

Patrata: Krishna & Sudama | To Receive Divine Boons, Give God Something (VIDEO)

How can we make ourselves worthy enough to receive the Grace and the Boons of the Divine such as Shaktipath and Kundalini awakening? In this video we visit the answer to this question, through the touching story of Lord Krishna and his friend Sudama, which is outlined in the Srimad Bhagavatam (also known as the […]

Do the Bodies of Some Saints Transform Into Flowers After Death? (VIDEO)

Did the body of Saint Kabir transform into a heap of roses after death? Did Meerabai actually merge into the idol of Lord Krishna at the time of her Samadhi? This video outlines the rational Vedantic response to these questions, as detailed by the two God-realized sages, Mother Mirra (of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram) and […]

When a Sincere Person Speaks His Words Destroy Falsehood & Hypocrisy

The following moral story about cultivating the spiritual quality of sincerity (straightforwardness and lack of deceitfulness); has been taken from Mother Mirra’s book Words of Long Ago (Volume 2). In it Mother narrates an incident from the Ramayana, which acts as a wonderful metaphor for the truth that sincerity is a quality which endears us […]

Take Care of Your Food and Drink, Lest the Mind and Body Become Weak

Can I drink alcohol if i want to progress spiritually

Through the enclosed story Mother Mirra explains that to be able to live a noble and useful life dedicated in the self-less service of others, one must exercise self-control and eat and drink only that which benefits the mind and body. This advice of the Mother is taken from her book: Words of Long Ago […]

Stories From Mother Mirra | Prudence – Dasaratha’s Rashness and Death of Shravankumar

The following moral story about cultivating the spiritual quality of prudence – of wisdom and foresight, of thinking about the consequences before initiating any action; has been taken from Mother Mirra’s book Words of Long Ago (Volume 2). In it Mother narrates an incident from the Ramayana, concerning King Dasaratha (father of Lord Rama) and […]

Stories From Mother Mirra | Prudence – Wise Merchant and Grateful Vultures

Mother Mirra the God-realized sage, wrote several stories in her lifetime, to highlight certain key moral qualities that every aspiring sadhak must adopt and incorporate in their behaviour – in their thoughts, words and modes of action. Although Mother wrote these engaging stories with children in view, they hold important lessons for all of us, […]

Contentment Comes Not From Material Possessions, But Living a Noble Life

The enclosed excerpt on Simplicity & Contentment has been taken from Mother Mirra’s book: Words of Long Ago (Volume 2) (Free Download). Saint Francis was an apostle of the Good Life. He did not teach in order to earn money. His life was simple and his greatest joy was to instruct the people by his […]

A Simple Life Is More Desirable Than a Life of Extravagance, Vanity & Show

The enclosed teaching of Mother Mirra, the God-realized sage and spiritual collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, is extremely relevant in today’s times when there is a tremendous pressure on the common person to aspire for an extravagant and luxurious lifestyle. Rather than compelling a person to lead a noble and a good life dedicated to the […]

Disheartened With Your Meditation? Valuable Advice From Sri Aurobindo

Frustrations, delays, doubts and difficulties are a part of every sadhak’s (spiritual aspirant’s) sadhana. This truth was beautifully underscored, by Shriram Sharma Acharya in his retelling of the story of Madhvacharya (previous post), which resonated with so many Spiritual Bee readers. Therefore in this post, we shall delve into some more precious and practical advice, […]

Do Animals Think & Reason? Answers from 2 Great Yogis

The great Rishis (God-realized sages) of India have always enjoyed a very special relationship with animals. The minds of these yogis having expanded and unified with the Universal mind, (which contains all our individual minds within it, like fruits are contained in a bowl) – they could easily read the thoughts, emotions and feelings of […]

I Can’t Meditate, It’s Too Noisy Outside! What Shall I Do?

Do you find it difficult to meditate if there is noise?

“Meditation means withdrawing the mind from all distractions and making it abide in the Self (the Atman, the soul, the pure consciousness).” – Sri Aurobindo Those of us who reside in India, especially in the big cities, live amidst constant noise. There are cars honking, loudspeakers blaring and dogs barking. So in such noisy surroundings, […]