If Sarada Ma Was Lakshmi, Why Was She So Poor? Understanding the Lakshmi (Money) Siddhi of God-realized Sages

Ma Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth in Hinduism. She is that power of the Supreme Consciousness that bestows material prosperity. Since God-realized sages have climbed to the summit of consciousness and become one with the Supreme, they are said to possess Lakshmi Siddhi or complete power over money. Is this claim true? – Can […]
Tips to Avoid Telling a Lie

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. If for good reason you don’t want to speak the truth, at least don’t tell a lie! Suppose you are meditating in a corner, believing you are hidden from sight. Your desire is that nobody know what you […]
I Have Verified My Past-Life Memories & Found Them to be Accurate

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. Some persons remember more than others, because they have developed a greater ability to retain the facts of their experiences. A minister who had lived and preached in Boston for many years had a sudden loss of memory. […]
Is Paramahansa Yogananda God? Swami Vivekananda & Sri Aurobindo’s Spiritual Experience With God (VIDEO)

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily Advaita Vedanta quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. Do you pray to Paramahansa Yogananda? Do you wish to receive his help and guidance in times of difficulty? Then as a first step, we must clear our conception of him. We must understand who he really […]
Part 1 – The Power of Black Magic is in Your Thought

What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers of Pandit Shriram Sharma Newsletter on the Spiritual Bee Academy App. “Many people tell me that somebody they know is using black magic on them. […]
What Are Sattva, Rajas & Tamas?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. The following teaching of Paramahansa Yogananda has been excerpted from the book: Man’s Eternal Quest. One of the three basic qualities predominates in every man, according to Hindu philosophy. Sattva is the quality of those who have spiritual […]
Why Be Elated by Monetary Profit? Be Even-minded in Gain or Loss

People worship money so much that they hardly stop to cultivate any detachment towards it. Then when they have to let go of their wealth at death, the suffering of their soul becomes especially intense. Since they have not practiced detachment while living, they find it extremely difficult to let go of their wealth at death.
This truth about cultivating equanimity of mind towards profit and loss, and detachment towards money and possessions; was taught to Paramahansa Yogananda by his mother and father, through a few interesting life events, which we visit in this post.
Wearing Good Clothes Alone Does Not Make Your Respectable (VIDEO)

Today with the perpetuation of advertising, social media and influencer culture, the whole of society is becoming obsessively focussed on looking good. Wearing expensive clothes, makeup and jewellery is associated with having achieved success. The result of this is that our self-esteem has become tied to our clothes and accessories. In this video Paramahansa Yogananda […]
Part 8 – Want a God Realized Guru to Help You? Inner Contact is Must. How to Establish It?

“If you give up your lustful ways and lead a good moral life for 6 months, I shall accept you as my disciple.” Lahiri Mahasaya said to a person who had come to him for initiation. Did the man listen to Lahiri Mahasaya and reform his habits? Was the man able to open up his consciousness to receive the sage’s Divine Grace? What steps should a sadhak take so that he can establish an inner contact with a God Realized sage who has left his body. An inner contact as we saw in our last video is a must before we can receive the help of a great guru, even one who has left his body.
Part 7: Inner Contact with Guru MUCH MORE Important than Outer Contact (VIDEO)

Gurudev please stop the train! cried Abhoya silently in her heart, remembering her guru Lahiri Mahasaya who was situated in far away Benares. What happened next demonstrates the truth that a disciple must have a deep inner contact with a God Realized guru.* Then only the guru’s help can reach the disciple. If the disciple […]
Worrying Will Not Solve Problems

Merely ignoring problems won’t solve them, but neither will worrying – Practical advice from Paramahansa Yogananda to overcome habit of worrying.
Avoid Dependence on Astrology, Place Your Faith SOLIDLY in God Instead

Superstition means to seek guidance from effects, in ignorance of their causes. Many people look to the heavens for signs instead of choosing the wiser path of seeking guidance in their souls, from God. Some people refuse to do anything for themselves until the planetary positions are favorable. While it is not unwise to initiate […]
How To Succeed? Answer from Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

Our minds are full of can’ts, says Paramahansa Yogananda. We can’t do this, we can’t do that, we dont like so and so etc. We always train our mind to believe such things. But if we wish to attain success in any field, then these can’ts which block our path have to be removed and […]
Don’t Be Miserly With Your Time, Help and Money – Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

“Nobleness is to refuse all personal calculation. Generosity is to find one’s own satisfaction in the satisfaction of others. To be generous is to be benevolent towards everyone not only materially but also in the heart and in the mind. It means always to have good feelings towards all. Even in the mind there must […]
BEST WAY to Contact God & Get His Guidance in Difficulties (VIDEO)

How can we contact God? How can we connect with Him, and present our problems to Him and ask for solutions? The powerful technique to do so has been enumerated by Paramahansa Yogananda. If we follow it, we will see that the answers and solutions do come. Now the answers/solutions do NOT come in the […]
What is Success? Being Rich Does NOT Mean You are Successful – Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

Many of us equate success with being rich and powerful. We never stop to think – how and in what manner was this wealth earned? Was it earned ethically, or via greedy and corrupt means? How many people did this wealthy individual crush in his/her quest to become rich & powerful? In our blind worship […]
In Gathering Wealth, Don’t Neglect Health – Live a Balanced Life | Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

The engine of life runs smoothly only when there is balance. Too much focus on only one aspect of life at the neglect of another, may give results in the short term, but in the long run, it creates tremendous instability. Therefore a balanced functioning, is essential. This is the message of Paramahansa Yogananda.
How to Develop a Strong Will Power? BEST Technique by Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

The secret to achieving any kind of success lies in an indomitable will. Here by success is not just meant a narrow kind of business or academic success, but a much broader victory over the ills of life itself. So how do we develop an indomitable will? In this video Paramahansa Yogananda teaches us a […]