Discover Advaita Vedanta

Part 3: “I Came To Take Your Dog’s Soul”

Amal Kiran was a direct disciple of the God-realized sages Mother Mirra and Sri Aurobindo. The following is an eye-opening excerpt from his book: Our Light & Delight. Our next dog was Épave, meaning “Waif”. It was a street pup, a bag of bones, with severe diarrhoea and with a rump hurt by a cow’s […]

Part 2: Sage Mirra’s Boundless Compassion for Reptiles and Even Insects

Indian Culture has been founded on empathy and sympathy. The originators and upholders of these twin values have been our Rishis, who have shone the light of their boundless love and compassion on humans, animals, reptiles, insects and plants alike. In today’s materialistic age though, many of us have unfortunately lost sight of these Rishi […]

Part 1: Animals Are “Persons” With Rights – How Great Sages View Animals

Both the ancient as well as the modern Rishis of India, have been known for their tremendous love and compassion for animals. In the forest ashrams of the ancient sages in particular, wild animals roamed freely and lived in harmony with humans. Before the magnanimous and love-filled hearts of God-realized Rishis, ferocious animals like tigers […]

Why We Should Not Pluck Flowers For Puja

It is a very common Indian habit to pluck flowers for free from public gardens and offer them before God. Many people indulge in this habit. While going for their morning walk many carry plastic bags in which they gather flowers they have plucked from public gardens, the road side and even the compounds of […]

Kindness in Nature: Swans Save a Stranded Fish

The emotion of feeling empathy for another who is in difficulty, is not confined to human beings alone. It is expressed in small degrees in animals too. Watch how swans empathized with a stranded fish gasping for its breath and saved the fish’s life. Now in case you are wondering if the swans were trying […]

Sri Ramakrishna’s Love and Compassion for Mute Animals

Two incidents from the life of Sri Ramakrishna which demonstrate his Vedantic realization that God is present in the souls of all living beings, including in the souls of animals. Sri Ramakrishna’s Love for Animals – Incident 1 Two cats used to roam about in the compound of the Dakshineshwar temple. No one was taking […]

Stories From Mother Mirra | Prudence – Wise Merchant and Grateful Vultures

Mother Mirra the God-realized sage, wrote several stories in her lifetime, to highlight certain key moral qualities that every aspiring sadhak must adopt and incorporate in their behaviour – in their thoughts, words and modes of action. Although Mother wrote these engaging stories with children in view, they hold important lessons for all of us, […]

Do Animals Think & Reason? Answers from 2 Great Yogis

The great Rishis (God-realized sages) of India have always enjoyed a very special relationship with animals. The minds of these yogis having expanded and unified with the Universal mind, (which contains all our individual minds within it, like fruits are contained in a bowl) – they could easily read the thoughts, emotions and feelings of […]

Did Ancient Rishis Kill Animals For Their Skin? (VIDEO)

Whenever we read any Amar Chitra Katha comic or other stories about ancient India, we often come across pictures where the rishis are shown meditating while seated on the skins of animals. So does this imply that the nature loving ancient sages of India, actually killed wild animals? In this video we take a look […]

VIDEO – Why Hinduism Champions Vegetarianism as an Aid to Samadhi

“When the mind’s activities are perfectly at rest the Atman (soul) manifests itself.” – Swami Vivekananda One of the defining features of India that sets it apart from all other nations of the world, is that for thousands of years, a large majority of its people have been vegetarian. But why was this so? In […]