Why Ramana Maharshi’s Body Needed Protection During Nirvikalpa Samadhi

What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers Newsletter. The enclosed story has been documented by V Ganesan in his book: The Human Gospel of Ramana Maharshi. The sage was Ganesan’s grand uncle […]
God-Realized Sages Have a Tough Time Bringing Mind Down to Ordinary Plane

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. The enclosed incident has been taken from the book: Ramakrishna as We Saw Him by Swami Chetanananda. One day I arrived at Dakshineswar, when the Master was having his dinner. A number of bowls containing various cooked items […]
#1 Habit of God-realized Yogis | How to Attain Success in Life?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. The enclosed incident has been taken from the book: Spiritual Treasures – Letters of Swami Turiyananda. To live with Sri Ramakrishna was a great education. He taught the disciples how to attain perfection in service as well as samadhi. Swami Turiyananda later […]
What is Nirvikalpa Samadhi? What is Maya? How Does One God Appear Divided into the Many Gods of Hinduism? (VIDEO)

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily Advaita Vedanta quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. Explained In This Video: 00:00 How can the Gods of Hinduism be Maya? 01:35 Is God (Brahman) nothingness? Is God a void? 04:03 How Sarada Ma saw Ma Kali Pratyaksha (living form)! 05:03 Sarada Ma could talk […]
Sri Ramakrishna Worshipped His Own Photo. Isn’t it Odd? Isn’t it a Sign of a Huge Ego?

Once a disciple who had never seen Sri Ramakrishna, had an intriguing conversation with Holy Mother Sarada Ma. Disciple: “Mother, that photograph of Sri Ramakrishna which you have with you is a very good one. Is that a good likeness of the Master?” Sarada Ma: “Yes, that picture is very, very good…I kept the photograph […]
P9 – Want Enlightenment (Samadhi) Bestowed Upon You By a Guru? Cultivate This ONE Thing

“Maharishi Ramana bestowed enlightenment upon Annamali Swami by a mere touch. He also gave enlightenment to HWL Poonja (Papaji) by merely looking at him.
So can you facilitate a meeting of mine with a great sage, who can transmit complete enlightenment to me by merely looking at me?” Someone asked me this question…
Swami Vivekananda Had the Power to Bestow Samadhi Upon Others

“Do you want to see Samadhi or to have it yourself? I get Samadhi myself, and I can make you have it!” – Swami Vivekananda
Signs of Samadhi – Few Observations of Sri Ramakrishna’s Disciple

In the following passages Swami Abhedananda, who was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, describes the deep state of Samadhi into which his guru would often fall into. These passages have been taken from the book Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. Samadhi was a natural state with Ramakrishna. He never had to make a special effort […]
Sri Ramakrishna Gave Vivekananda Samadhi, Can Maharshi Do the Same for Me?

One day a young, well-educated man came to Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi, prostrated and sat down. Addressing Bhagavan he said, “Sri Ramakrishna was able to elevate Vivekananda to the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi with just a touch. Can you do the same for me?” Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi did not say anything. The young man […]
One Does Not Need to Take Sannyas (Monkhood) to Attain God-Realization

There is an age old misconception prevailing in India concerning two groups of people: Sannyasins and householders (those who have married). The misconception centers on how they view each other. Sannyasins, who are monks, who have renounced the world and its material comforts, tend to feel spiritually superior and look down upon householders as lesser […]
On the Road to Samadhi Any Yogic Powers That Arise Must Be Shunned | Sri Ramakrishna (VIDEO)

Sri Ramakrishna’s teachings on the perils of exercising occult powers and why he did not use them to cure his throat cancer. This video is a continuation of our “Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna” series. In it we visit Sri Ramakrishna’s advice to sadhaks regarding yogic powers. These powers which are alternatively known as psychic or […]
Choose a God Realized Guru, As Only a Knower of God Can Guide to Samadhi

The following excerpt has been taken from the book Spiritual Teachings of Swami Brahmananda (Free). In it Swami Brahmananda explains the necessity of a God Realized guru for an aspirant pursuing the spiritual path. For those not familiar with Swami Brahmananda – he was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, who under the able guidance […]
Only The Pure In Heart Can Attain To Samadhi | Story of the Endless Pitcher

“Purification means rejecting from one’s nature all that is egoistic or of the nature of rajasic desire (greed for fame, wealth, power etc.). Purification and a basis of calm are the first necessary steps in the spiritual life.” – Sri Aurobindo Purity forms the absolute bedrock of spirituality. Purity of heart comprises frankness, innocence, straightforwardness […]
Can Mantra Chanting Bestow Siddhi (God-Realization)?

Portions of the following post have been taken from an article published in the Akhand Jyoti, a magazine of the Gayatri Pariwar, founded by Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya. In this excerpted conversation Shriram Sharma Acharya explains in a wonderfully simple way, why a mere verbal repetition of mantras (like a parrot) is not sufficient to […]
3 Crucial Reasons Why Spiritual Experiences Must Be Kept Secret (VIDEO)

The goal of Vedantic spirituality is to lead us to experience the ultimate reality of who we really are – that we are neither the body and nor are we the mind. Instead we are the Atman, the Soul – pure, infinite and eternal, which is an indivisible part of the ocean of consciousness known […]
Always Speak the Truth Because It Takes Us Directly to God-Realization

The Mundaka Upanishad boldly proclaims: Satyameva Jayate – Truth alone Triumphs and not Untruth. This is because only by being truthful with ourselves and with others, can we clear away the scum of the ego-driven imperfections that cloud our mind; and when the mind is thus purified, our soul can see its reflection clearly and […]
Swami Vivekananda’s Experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or Complete Mergence With God

The enclosed dialogue with Swami Vivekananda was recorded by his disciple Sharat, at Belur, in the year 1898. In it Swamiji describes in detail his experience of Nirvikalpa Samadhi or complete mergence with “Brahman” or God – the infinite and self-luminous consciousness. Sharat: Sir, as the fruition of great austerities in past lives, I have […]