Discover Advaita Vedanta

Is Dying in Varanasi, Spiritually Advantageous to a True Devotee?

Swami Shivananda, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna, had grown old and was not keeping well. Some well-wishers suggested that he leave the Belur Math in Calcutta and go reside in Varanasi to spend the last years of his life.

It is a belief amongst Hindus that those who die in the holy city of Varanasi, attain to a high spiritual state after death. Hence this suggestion was made to him. What was Swami Shivananda’s response? We discover in this post.

How Do We Become Fearless?

Real religion lies in realization, not in blindly following customs and rituals. Without an accompanying inner transformation all externalities of religion are useless.

Did Swami Vivekananda Support the Caste System? (VIDEO)

Some people in India accuse Swami Vivekananda of supporting the caste system and its accompanying injustices and discriminations. But is this right? Was Swami Vivekananda in favour of Brahmins and opposed to Shudras? What were Swami Vivekananda’s actual views on the caste system?

Most Horrible Crisis Faced by Swami Vivekananda & How Ma Kali Appeared in Living Form Before Him

Was Swami Vivekananda enjoying life and playing cricket in the year 1884? Was he bowling at the Eden Garden Stadium in Calcutta? Did he take seven wickets? A photo and several articles circulating on the internet claim so. Are they right?


Was 1884 one of the most horrible years in Swami Vivekananda’s life – when he faced a most terrible crisis, which was ultimately resolved only when Ma Kali appeared before him in a living form?

What is the truth? Discover in this video.

Vivekananda Smrtih – A Code of Law for the Modern Age

The Smriti’s are texts which give the moral code of conduct for people to follow. Different Smriti’s have been written by our Rishis for different times. Today the old Smriti’s such as Manusmriti are obsolete. Their code of conduct cannot be followed in present modern times. (See below video) There is a need for a […]

Married People Can Attain to God-Realization (Moksha) – True or False?

“Gurudev, married people do not practice Brahmacharya (celibacy). But Hindu scriptures say that Brahmacharya is essential for God-Realization and Moksha. So are married people doomed to remain trapped in endless cycles of birth and death?”

A lady asked this question to Swami Shivananda, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Enclosed in this video is his answer.