Discover Advaita Vedanta


What kind of yogic powers do God-realized sages possess? How are they able to help devotees even after giving up the body? Find out by subscribing to our Yogic Powers of Pandit Shriram Sharma Newsletter. Miserliness Miserliness is ingrained in many persons. That is the reason why they do not make any progress in their […]

Mahamrityunjaya Mantra and Its Meaning

What is the meaning of the Mahamrityunjaya Mantra? What are the benefits of chanting it? Does it protect from accidents and illnesses? Swami Sivananda answers all these questions.

Prostitution & Pornography – Tremendous Social Evils

Today there is an urgent need for a spiritual upliftment of the world. As Swami Sivananda has explained in his book: Moral and Spiritual Regeneration of the World, the masses today have to be weaned from hedonistic ways of thinking and acting like beasts. Since the soul of each person is Divine, therefore the way […]

Idol Worship – Form of God Needed to Steady the Mind. Muslims & Christians Too Use Forms

Swami Sivananda: Generally, people say Hindus are idolaters. But a Muslim too has the symbol of Kaaba to remind him of Allah. Similarly, the Christian has got the Cross. The truth is that an anchor is needed in the beginning in order to steady the mind. So forms are necessary.

Only a microscopic minority are capable of taking up Nirguna Upasana (worship without name and form). 99% percent of devotees need a name and a form to fix their mind on God.

Is Aakashvani Real? Can the Voice of God Really be Heard? (1/2)

Gurudev in ancient times Akashvani i.e. celestial voices were frequently heard, warning people about coming events. So can the voice of God really be heard or is it just a hallucination? A devotee once asked Swami Sivananda. Hear the sage’s intriguing reply in this video. Book Referenced in this Video: This video references the book: […]

You Are the MASTER of Your Destiny – Destiny is Not Fixed, Can Be Changed

17 Truths about Destiny In this video 2 great Rishis of Vedanta, Swami Sivananda and Swami Vivekananda tell us that destiny is not something fixed by our horoscope and cast in stone from the time of our birth. Destiny can be changed. Therefore there is no need for us to fall into the trap of […]

Part 1 – To Improve Your Meditation STOP Indulging in Backbiting (VIDEO)

Backbiting & Gossip – Dirty Habits that Pollute the Mind Many people write to me saying they can’t meditate. In this video Swami Sivananda highlights one of the key reasons which prevents our mind from staying still during meditation. VIDEO: Meditate Better! Cleanse Mind of Bad Habit of Gossiping – We have wrongly trained our […]

God is One, His Names and Forms Are Many | Swami Sivananda (VIDEO)

Can a devotee of Lord Shiva visit the temples of Lord Vishnu, or of Devi (i.e. the Divine Mother Gayatri, or Kali, or Parvati etc.)? A disciple once asked Swami Sivananda of the Divine Life Society, this question. The God-realized sage responded by outlining the fundamental Advaita Vedantic truth of the Oneness and the Sameness […]

Should I Meditate After Dinner? | Swami Sivananda (VIDEO)

Is it good to meditate at night before going to bed? A disciple once asked the God-realized sage Swami Sivananda (of the Divine Life Society) this question. Enclosed in this video is his answer. FREE Books Referenced in This Video The above video references Swami Sivananda’s books May I Answer That and Yoga in Daily […]

What is Brahma Muhurta? Why is it the Best Time to Meditate? (VIDEO)

What is Brahma Muhurta, or Brahma Mahurat as it is alternatively called? Why have the Rishis of Vedanta, laid so much stress on meditating at Brahma Muhurta? In the enclosed video, Swami Sivananda, the God-realized sage who established the Divine Life Society answers this pertinent question that often arises in the minds of many beginner […]