Discover Advaita Vedanta

Is Aakashvani Real? Can the Voice of God Really be Heard? (1/2)

Gurudev in ancient times Akashvani i.e. celestial voices were frequently heard, warning people about coming events. So can the voice of God really be heard or is it just a hallucination? A devotee once asked Swami Sivananda. Hear the sage’s intriguing reply in this video. Book Referenced in this Video: This video references the book: […]

Did Swami Vivekananda Support the Caste System? (VIDEO)

Some people in India accuse Swami Vivekananda of supporting the caste system and its accompanying injustices and discriminations. But is this right? Was Swami Vivekananda in favour of Brahmins and opposed to Shudras? What were Swami Vivekananda’s actual views on the caste system?

Married People Can Attain to God-Realization (Moksha) – True or False?

“Gurudev, married people do not practice Brahmacharya (celibacy). But Hindu scriptures say that Brahmacharya is essential for God-Realization and Moksha. So are married people doomed to remain trapped in endless cycles of birth and death?”

A lady asked this question to Swami Shivananda, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. Enclosed in this video is his answer.

Part 7: Inner Contact with Guru MUCH MORE Important than Outer Contact (VIDEO)

Gurudev please stop the train! cried Abhoya silently in her heart, remembering her guru Lahiri Mahasaya who was situated in far away Benares. What happened next demonstrates the truth that a disciple must have a deep inner contact with a God Realized guru.* Then only the guru’s help can reach the disciple. If the disciple […]

Sometimes Unpleasant Things Happen So a Greater Good Can Emerge (VIDEO)

The moment something bad happens to us, we unnecessarily start feeling sorrowful. But through this humorous incident, which occurs in the life of one of Sri Aurobindo’s dear disciples, we learn that some good usually comes out of the worst of situations.

However we cannot immediately see this good, because it takes time to emerge. Therefore in bad times, it is better to remain calm, unperturbed and patient.

अप्रिय घटनाओं के पीछे भी कई बार कुछ अच्छा छुपा होता है

श्री औरोबिंदो के जीवन से एक कहानी जो हमें सीख देती है कि कभी-कभी अप्रिय घटनाओं के पीछे भी, हमारे लिए कुछ अच्छा छुपा होता है। परंतु हम इस सत्य को एकदम से देख नहीं पाते और दुखी और परेशान हो उठते हैं।

इसलिए मुश्किल परिस्थितियों में हमें अपने मन को शांत रखना चाहिए। घबराने की बजाय धैर्य से काम लेना चाहिए। हो सकता है की इन परिस्थितियों से गुजरने के बाद ही हमारे लिए कुछ ऐसे सुखो के द्वार खुलें जो अन्यथा नहीं खुलते।

जब शारदा माँ को हुई माँ काली की अनोखी अनुभूति (VIDEO)

एक बार माँ काली शारदा माँ के सामने प्रकट हो गयीं। कारण क्या था? वह शारदा माँ को एक परम सत्य से परिचित करना चाहतीं थीं। वह सत्य क्या था? आइये जानतें है इस वीडियो में।

Why is Corona Happening? Can Building Temples Save Hindu Culture? (PODCAST)

Our nation has been badly hit by a second wave of corona. Many people have lost their lives and the immense suffering has shaken us to the core. I have been receiving questions from some of you, asking why all this is happening? What are the spiritual and astrological reasons behind it? This podcast covers your questions and outlines the right spiritual way in which we should think about this crisis.

Easiest Way to Distinguish a Real Guru From Fake! (VIDEO)

Is it ok for a guru to live a lifestyle of sensual indulgence – owning fleets of expensive cars, wearing loads of gold jewellery and seeking sexual favours from their devotees? In this video we see how this behaviour of today’s Godmen contrasts sharply with the frugal lifestyle of genuine God realized sages, who despite possessing Lakshmi Siddhi, never used this power to better their own condition. Instead they used their Lakshmi Siddhi prudently to help deserving devotees.

You Are the MASTER of Your Destiny – Destiny is Not Fixed, Can Be Changed

17 Truths about Destiny In this video 2 great Rishis of Vedanta, Swami Sivananda and Swami Vivekananda tell us that destiny is not something fixed by our horoscope and cast in stone from the time of our birth. Destiny can be changed. Therefore there is no need for us to fall into the trap of […]

An Architect’s Plea to Mother Mirra to Rid his House of Ghosts

“Man must conquer this illusion and know that the dead are here beside us and with us, as much as ever. It is their absence and separation that are a myth.” – Swami Vivekananda’s reaction upon hearing the news of his close friend Mr. Goodwin’s passing away, as recorded by Sister Nivedita in her book, […]