Discover Advaita Vedanta

Part 2 – Meditate Better! Cleanse Mind of Bad Habit of Gossiping (VIDEO)

Improve your meditation – come closer to God – get God to answer your prayers! All by giving up the evil habit of gossiping. My mind does not remain still during meditation. It wanders here and there. I am unable to concentrate – Have you faced these problems? One reason why our mind flits around […]

Part 1 – To Improve Your Meditation STOP Indulging in Backbiting (VIDEO)

Backbiting & Gossip – Dirty Habits that Pollute the Mind Many people write to me saying they can’t meditate. In this video Swami Sivananda highlights one of the key reasons which prevents our mind from staying still during meditation. VIDEO: Meditate Better! Cleanse Mind of Bad Habit of Gossiping – We have wrongly trained our […]

Swami Vivekananda – Do As You Say, Don’t Be a Hypocrite (VIDEO)

Once some American cowboys shot at Swami Vivekananda while he was lecturing. What did he do? Did he run and hide? Discover his extraordinary response! In this video we visit an incident from the life of Swami Vivekananda which teaches us the important lesson of doing as we say, of being honest and truthful in […]

How To Succeed? Answer from Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

Our minds are full of can’ts, says Paramahansa Yogananda. We can’t do this, we can’t do that, we dont like so and so etc. We always train our mind to believe such things. But if we wish to attain success in any field, then these can’ts which block our path have to be removed and […]

In Samadhi Sri Ramakrishna’s Body Became Light As a Feather (VIDEO)

A fascinating story behind the famous “Shrine pose of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa”, which is worshiped by millions across the world. This story also reveals a little-known detail about what happens during the process of Samadhi or God-Consciousness. Resources Referenced in This Video: This video references an article: Shrine Pose of Sri Ramakrishna published by the […]

How to Deal with Worry, Stress & Anxiety in Times of the Corona Virus

The corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) has created an unprecedented wave of fear in people across the world. In face of stock market losses, job losses, lifestyle disruptions & fear mongering via Whatsapp messages – many are suffering from worry, stress and anxiety. So how do we handle it? In this video I outline 4 steps […]

Bhagavad Gita on Karma – Is Cancer ALWAYS Due To Past Bad Karma? (VIDEO)

This video uses a teaching from the Bhagavad Gita on Karma, to debunk the popularly held notion that every person suffering from cancer or from some other deadly disease, is necessarily doing so, as a result of bad karma done in some past life. Diseases, as the sages tell us have many causes, and past […]

How to Choose the Right Friends? Who is a True Friend? (VIDEO)

How do we choose the right friends? What are the qualities that one should look for in a best friend? How can we differentiate between a true friend and an enemy? Beyond our worldly friends is there a higher Divine friend who can love us in the true way? In this video, Mother Mirra, the […]

Swami Vivekananda – Manu Smriti is OBSOLETE. Laws Not Applicable Today

Discover 5 Little Known, Yet Crucial Facts About Our Smritis such as the Manu Smriti “The old Smritis (such as the Manusmriti) are now obsolete. It is time to write a new Smriti according to the need of the present age.” – Swami Vivekananda’s remark to his guru-bhai (brother-disciple) Swami Vijnanananda. So why did Swami […]

A Glimpse Into the Yogic Powers of Sri Aurobindo (VIDEO)

An incident which gives us a glimpse into Sri Aurobindo’s ability to know of things happening in distant places. This incident has been described by Sri Aurobindo’s direct disciple, Nirodbaran in his book, Memorable Contacts With The Mother. Book Referenced & Music Used In This Video Memorable Contacts With The Mother by Nirodbaran Surya Mandala […]