Discover Advaita Vedanta

Swami Vivekananda’s Truthfulness

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. Once when Swamiji was leaving Dakshineswar, he told the Master that he would visit him again the following Wednesday. The Master asked, ‘What time?’ and Swamiji replied, ‘At three o’clock.’ The following Wednesday, Swamiji arrived at Dakshineswar at two o’clock and waited […]

Tips to Avoid Telling a Lie

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe to the Spiritual Bee on WhatsApp. If for good reason you don’t want to speak the truth, at least don’t tell a lie! Suppose you are meditating in a corner, believing you are hidden from sight. Your desire is that nobody know what you […]

#1 Habit of God-realized Yogis | How to Attain Success in Life?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. The enclosed incident has been taken from the book: Spiritual Treasures – Letters of Swami Turiyananda. To live with Sri Ramakrishna was a great education. He taught the disciples how to attain perfection in service as well as samadhi. Swami Turiyananda later […]

Sarada Ma’s Brothers Were Quarreling. How Did She React?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. Holy Mother Sarada Ma had four younger brothers, of which two, Barada and Kali, were constantly quarreling. Here is an account of one such quarrel and how Sarada Ma reacted to it. It has been excerpted from the book: Sri Sarada Devi, […]

How to Strengthen Your Will-Power?

Uplift your consciousness! Receive daily spiritual quotes from great Rishis. Subscribe on WhatsApp. Disciple: Mother, how can one strengthen one’s will? Mother Mirra: Oh, as one strengthens muscles, by a methodical exercise. You take one little thing, something you want to do, or don’t want to do. Begin with a small thing, not something very […]

Simple Living & High Thinking

The enclosed article has been authored by a Spiritual Bee’er who wishes to remain anonymous. In March 2020, my friend along with his children made a two-day visit to a 5-star hotel and the children thoroughly enjoyed the luxury, food, and other facilities there. After 2 years there was an occasion when his elder daughter […]

Don’t Find Fault With Anyone

SRI RAMAKRISHNA: Don’t find fault with anyone, not even with an insect. Pray to God that you may not find fault with anyone.

#2 Leadership Trait – Overcome the Ego and Care For Your Team

Many times good intentioned work is completely ruined when the leader or team members turn egoistic. Co-operation stops and clashes for power and “who gets the credit” and “who gets the blame” begin. Instead of building up the confidence of other team members, an egoistic person starts to pull them down.

“Only he/she must emerge looking good” – this becomes the focus of the person. We are all familiar with such scenarios playing out in corporate life. So what is the correct way in which a team leader should behave? Mother Mirra answers.

#1 Leadership Trait – Sri Ramana Did Not Sit IDLE Like a King, Delegating Work

Ramana Maharshi on Leadership

Many people today have a habit of delegating work. They themselves do nothing and expect others to do all the hard labor for them. Young people of today imagine that this quality of pushing work upon others, is what makes a person successful and climb up the corporate ladder. However as Maharshi Ramana demonstrated this is NOT the quality that makes one a successful leader.

A successful leader in fact does just the opposite. He/she goes down in the trenches and works just as hard if not harder than the rest of the team, shouldering many heavy responsibilities.

How to Avoid Fights and Reach a Common Middle Ground

Mother and Sri Aurobindo - Mother Mirra on How to Avoid Fights and Reach a Common Middle Ground

Have you been in situations where disagreements over minor issues have led to huge fights, mud-slinging and shouting matches? Here are some tips from Mother Mirra, the God-Realized Yogi, on how we can avoid such ego-battles and unnecessary arguments and find middle ground to resolve our disagreements.

Sometimes Unpleasant Things Happen So a Greater Good Can Emerge (VIDEO)

The moment something bad happens to us, we unnecessarily start feeling sorrowful. But through this humorous incident, which occurs in the life of one of Sri Aurobindo’s dear disciples, we learn that some good usually comes out of the worst of situations.

However we cannot immediately see this good, because it takes time to emerge. Therefore in bad times, it is better to remain calm, unperturbed and patient.

If Someone Treats Us Badly, What Should We Do?

When we are faced with a difficulty we must, instead of getting upset and blaming others, try to look within and see what is it in our own nature that we need to fix in order to overcome the problem.

How To Succeed? Answer from Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

Our minds are full of can’ts, says Paramahansa Yogananda. We can’t do this, we can’t do that, we dont like so and so etc. We always train our mind to believe such things. But if we wish to attain success in any field, then these can’ts which block our path have to be removed and […]