Discover Advaita Vedanta

BEST WAY to Contact God & Get His Guidance in Difficulties (VIDEO)

How can we contact God? How can we connect with Him, and present our problems to Him and ask for solutions? The powerful technique to do so has been enumerated by Paramahansa Yogananda. If we follow it, we will see that the answers and solutions do come. Now the answers/solutions do NOT come in the […]

Mother Mirra | Only the Courageous Can Give Courage to Others (6/6)

The enclosed narration of Mother Mirra’s teachings on courage, has been excerpted from her book: Words of Long Ago (Volume 2). Although the Mother intended these teachings for children, they hold valuable lessons for all of us sadhaks who are trying to grow out of our spiritual childhood into the higher consciousness of spiritual adulthood. […]

Swami Vivekananda Motivational Quotes in Hindi & English – Transform the Way You Think!

Swami Vivekananda motivational quotes in Hindi and English that energize and uplift our mind by giving us a whole new perspective on life! Original English Quote: “Realize your true nature. That is all there is to do. Know yourself as you are — infinite Spirit. That is practical religion.” – Swami Vivekananda Hindi Translation: “स्वयं […]

What is Courage? Persevering Forward In Spite of Difficulties – Mother Mirra (4/6)

What is Courage? Through the enclosed stories Mother Mirra, the God-realized Yogi, highlights the real meaning of courage. True courage she tells us, is the ability to walk the straight path, to brave the storm, darkness and suffering and to persevere forward, in spite of everything, towards the light. The enclosed narration which illustrates this […]

Speaking Truth To Power | Honest Vashishtha Incurs the Wrath of Vishvamitra (3/6)

Speaking Truth to Power – Through the enclosed stories Mother Mirra explains, that a sincere person does not need to be threatened or frightened into speaking the truth. Instead a sincere person speaks the truth because it is his very nature to be honest and forthright in all his dealings. The Mother brings out this […]

Why is Life So Hard? Answer from Paramahamsa Yogananda

Through life’s challenges you learn life’s lessons. Challenges are not meant to crush you but to help you develop your powers. They come through the natural law of progress, so that you might advance from lower to higher levels of spiritual attainment. In order to pass life’s tests, you will need to develop elasticity of […]

How Should I Handle Disappointment? Paramahamsa Yogananda

Material things cannot be owned by anyone, for at death they must be left behind and given to others. We are only allowed the use of things. It is foolish to be attached to material things. You should pray only to be given the use of things you genuinely need and, if necessary, to be […]

Stories From Mother Mirra | What is Courage | The 3 Types of Courage (1/6)

What is Courage? In this 6 Part Series on Courage, we shall visit Mother Mirra’s teachings regarding the 3 types of courage that are found in the world. Progressing from the lowest to the highest, the first kind of courage, is the courage to defend and protect oneself. The second is the courage to help […]

Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna | Do Not Speak Harshly And Hurt Others Feelings

Latu Maharaj was the first young disciple to come to Shri Ramakrishna at Dakshineswar. The sage gave him various spiritual instructions and guided him carefully in the development of his character. Latu had come to the Master with a habit of making blunt remarks, which Ramakrishna gradually corrected. One day, when a devotee at Dakshineswar […]

Teachings of Sri Ramakrishna | Forgiveness Towards a Priest Who Kicked Him

How Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa taught the virtues of forgiveness & forbearance to his disciples, through an incident which took place in his own life. The Kali temple of Dakshineshwar (Calcutta) where Sri Ramakrishna used to live, had been build by Rani Rasmani after she received instructions in a Divine vision to do so. She had […]

When a Sincere Person Speaks His Words Destroy Falsehood & Hypocrisy

The following moral story about cultivating the spiritual quality of sincerity (straightforwardness and lack of deceitfulness); has been taken from Mother Mirra’s book Words of Long Ago (Volume 2). In it Mother narrates an incident from the Ramayana, which acts as a wonderful metaphor for the truth that sincerity is a quality which endears us […]