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How to Deal with Worry, Stress & Anxiety in Times of the Corona Virus

The corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) has created an unprecedented wave of fear in people across the world. In face of stock market losses, job losses, lifestyle disruptions & fear mongering via Whatsapp messages – many are suffering from worry, stress and anxiety. So how do we handle it? In this video I outline 4 steps you can take to counter these negative emotions, which can take a severe toll on one’s mental health if left unchecked.

Resources Referenced In This Video

  1. Read the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Online
  2. Purchase the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (After March 31st 2020)
  3. Download the Gayatri Mantra and Chant Along

Corona Virus – Do Not Panic, Do Not Fear – Insightful Posts from Around the Web – Corona virus pandemic has caused so much fear in Indian society that masses are attacking the very people (doctors & nurses) who are saving lives!

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