The corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) has created an unprecedented wave of fear in people across the world. In face of stock market losses, job losses, lifestyle disruptions & fear mongering via Whatsapp messages – many are suffering from worry, stress and anxiety. So how do we handle it? In this video I outline 4 steps you can take to counter these negative emotions, which can take a severe toll on one’s mental health if left unchecked.
Resources Referenced In This Video
- Read the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda Online
- Purchase the Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda (After March 31st 2020)
- Download the Gayatri Mantra and Chant Along
Corona Virus – Do Not Panic, Do Not Fear – Insightful Posts from Around the Web – Corona virus pandemic has caused so much fear in Indian society that masses are attacking the very people (doctors & nurses) who are saving lives!