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Cremation or Burial | Which is Better for the Departed Soul? (VIDEO)

It is a well-known fact that Hindus cremate the dead. But what is perhaps lesser known, is that in ancient Vedic times, the Hindu people not only cremated the dead but also buried them. The 10th Mandala (Chapter) of the Rig Veda documents both the customs of burial and cremation as practiced by the Vedic people.

Now even though both methods were practiced, the Vedic sages have nevertheless, always regarded cremation as the best method for disposing of the dead body. But why was this so?

In this video we take a look at the extraordinary spiritual reason why the Rishis (sages) with their deep knowledge of the soul’s journey after death, favored cremation. This reason has been detailed for us by Swami Abhedananda, a great yogi and direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna in his book Life Beyond Death.

More Posts in Life After Death Series:

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