On today’s momentous occasion of India’s Independence day, we must remember the message of Sri Aurobindo – one of the great Rishis by whose tap shakti (power of penance), India attained freedom. This message was given on 15th Aug 1947.
India today is free but she has not achieved unity. The old communal division into Hindus and Muslims seems now to have hardened into a permanent political division of the country (into India and Pakistan). It is to be hoped that this settled fact will not be accepted as settled for ever or as anything more than a temporary expedient.
For if it lasts, India may be seriously weakened, even crippled: civil strife may remain always possible, possible even a new invasion and foreign conquest (by China). India’s internal development and prosperity may be impeded, her position among the nations weakened, her destiny impaired or even frustrated. This must not be; the partition must go.
But by whatever means, in whatever way, the division must go; unity must and will be achieved, for it is necessary for the greatness of India’s future.”
Read Sri Aurobindo’s full message
So let us work towards the spiritual greatness of India by removing the cancer of communal hatred from our hearts! Let us unite as Hindus, Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Atheists etc.