When Ma Kali told Swami Vivekananda: “Ask me a boon?”, what did Swamiji ask for? His family at that time was going through severe financial constraints. So did he ask the Divine Mother for Money?
Watch the answer in this video!
Is it ok for a guru to live a lifestyle of sensual indulgence – owning fleets of expensive cars, wearing loads of gold jewellery and seeking sexual favours from their devotees?
In this video we see how this behaviour of today’s Godmen contrasts sharply with the frugal and celibate lifestyle of genuine God realized sages. We go through several incidents from the lives of great Rishis, which demonstrate the utter detachment (vairagya) these God Realized sages maintained towards money and luxurious things.
Each sage possessed the powers of Ma Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth), but they never used this Lakshmi Siddhi to better their own condition – to surround themselves with material comforts and to live a life of luxury.
Instead they used their Lakshmi Siddhi prudently to help deserving devotees. This quality of simplicity of living and vairagya (dispassion towards and non attachment to money, luxury and comfort) is one of the key hallmarks of God realized sages.