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Don’t Be Miserly With Your Time, Help and Money – Paramahansa Yogananda (VIDEO)

“Nobleness is to refuse all personal calculation. Generosity is to find one’s own satisfaction in the satisfaction of others. To be generous is to be benevolent towards everyone ­not only materially but also in the heart and in the mind. It means always to have good feelings towards all. Even in the mind there must never be any bad thoughts about anybody or anything.

To have a generous heart is to be always joyful and happy in the happiness and joy of others and to remain in harmony with all and to approach them with kindness. This attitude helps much to widen the consciousness and to open the heart and the mind to the Divine’s influence and thus you get joy and happiness from everything.”

– Mother Mirra

These are the words of Mother Mirra. And a similar thing has been emphasized by Paramahansa Yogananda.

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